
Ministerios de Dominica

- Consulta y Trámites. Registro Nacional.
Ministerios - Ministerios - Tramite , Constancia, Registro, Servicios, Actas, Consulta - Cedula
Ministry of Finance
Roosevelt Skerrit, Primer Ministro y Ministro de Finanzas, Asuntos Exteriores y Tecnología de Información de Dominica (2012)
Dominica - Ministerios e Instituciones Nacionales. Idioma oficial: Inglés (English)
Agriculture, Food and Fisheries
Ecclesiastical Affairs, Family and Gender Affairs
Education and Human Resource Development
Health and Social Services
Housing and Lands
Information, Science, Telecommunications and Technology
Justice, Immigration and National Security
Kalinago Affairs
Public Works Ministerio de Trabajos Públicos, Administración de Recursos del Agua y Puertos - Public Works, Water Resource Management and Ports
Tourism and Culture
Youth Affairs, Sports and Constituency Empowerment
Ministry of Trade, Energy and Employment - Address : 4th Floor, Financial Centre, Kennedy Avenue, Roseau Tel: (767) 266 3276 - Fax: (767) 448 5200 - E-mail:
Hon. Ian Douglas, Minister of Trade, Energy and Employment (2019)
Mrs. Sylvanie Burton, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Trade, Energy and Employment (2019)
The Ministry of Trade formulates and implements domestic and external trade policies and measures to advance and encourage Dominica's trade, industry, domestic and foreign investment, private sector relations, consumer protection and the full engagement of the Diaspora for greater growth and development.
To have an improving external trade performance and beneficial external trade relations backed by a diversified and internationally competitive industry and private sector; an enabling, safe and secure environment for consumers, trade and investment; and a fully engaged Diaspora all contributing to and generating full employment, sustained economic growth and full integration into the global economy. Description and Organisational Structure
Including export development and promotion, regional integration in CARICOM and the OECS, external trade negotiations, industry development, investment promotion, consumer protection, standards management and meteorology and Diaspora relations.
Ministry functional units :
Consumer Affairs Unit
Dominica Bureau of Standards
Dominica Export Import Agency (DEXIA)
Invest Dominica Authority
Trade Division
Ministry of Planning and Economic Development - Address : 5th Floor, Financial Centre, Kennedy Avenue, Roseau, Dominica - Tel : (767) 266 3148
Hon. Senator Miriam Blanchard, Minister of Planning and Economic Development (2019)
Mrs. Gloria Joseph, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Planning and Economic Development (2019)
Main institution of Sustainable Development and Transformation in the Commonwealth of Dominica. Works to a transformed, sustainable green economy and country by 2030.
Ministry of Foreign and CARICOM Affairs - Address : 4th Floor, Financial Centre, Kennedy Avenue, Roseau - Tel: (767) 266 3276 - Fax: (767) 448 5200 - E-mail:
Hon. Francine Baron, Minister of Foreign and CARICOM Affairs (2019)
Mrs. Sylvanie Burton, Permanent Secretary of Ministry of Foreign and CARICOM Affairs (2019)
The Ministry of Foreign and CARICOM Affairs has responsibility for formulating and implementing the foreign policies of the Government of the Commonwealth of Dominica.
The Ministry conducts all diplomatic and consular relations with foreign governments and represents Dominica in international organisations. It also participates in relevant bilateral and multilateral negotiations, furthering and protecting Dominica's domestic and international interests.
Works to enhance the overall social and economic development of Dominica through the formulation and implementation of relevant and effective foreign policies.
Conduct the foreign policy of the Commonwealth of Dominica and a full cadre of highly trained, experienced and motivated staff, a modern information management system and representation in all the key capitals of the world of critical interest to Dominica.
Ministry of Environment, Climate Resilience, Disaster Management and Urban Renewal Hon. Joseph Isaac, Minister (2019)
Address : 6 Floor, Financial Centre, Kennedy Avenue, Roseau, Dominica - Tel : (767) 266 3564 - Email:
Departments/Units under the Ministry:
Forestry Division
Meteorological Office
Office of Disaster Management (ODM)
DVRP Project Coordination Unit, Disaster Vulnerability Reduction Project (DVRP)
Ministry of Commerce, Enterprise And Small Business Development
Address : 3rd Floor, Government Headquarters, Kennedy Avenue, Roseau, Dominica
Tel: (767) 266 3965
E-mail: / /
Hon. Roselyn V. Paul, Minister of Commerce, Enterprise And Small Business Development (2019)
Mrs. Esther Thomas, Permanent Secretary of Ministry of Commerce, Enterprise And Small Business Development (2019)
Ministry of Commerce, Enterprise And Small Business Development works to create an enable a environment that supports, strengthens and promotes business development actitivites. Help development for business, industry and commerce. Provides and promote opportunities for increased micro and small business investment and enterprise development. Rural economy and the contribution to broader macro economy. Increase foreign exchange, economic growth and development ( production of goods & services towards being export ready) Create employment and opportunities for income generation. Promotion of a greener economy. Poverty alleviation Medium Enterprise Sector as a vibrant contributor to the economic and social transformation of Dominica. Politics about employment, skills transfer, wealth creation and diverse opportunities for the people of Dominica to participate in national development.
Industries - Factories Manufacturing - Agro processing Small Business - Enterprise - Private Sector Development Technical Assistance to small business grant assistance, development and establishment of rural business enterprise centres around the island. Business Development Officers (BDO) provide technical assistance and support to clients for the creation and development of their Micro and Small Businesses. Training and Business skills. Rural Enterprise Programme business provides skills, training, business ethics and financial support to groups in rural communities.
Ministry has Business Enterprises in Dublanc, Paix Bouche, Sineku, Grand Fond and Grand Bay. Ministry of Trade, Youth Division Ministry of Kalinago Affairs.
Dominica Association of Industry and Commerce (DAIC)
Dominica Coalition of Services (DCSI)
Dominica Herbal Business Association(DHBA);
Services Provided Technical Assistance/Training on how to start and manage a small business with simulated business exercises. Brochures on Forms of Business Ownership; Record Keeping; and Marketing. Financial assistance in starting a small business. Assistance in formulating a business plan. Business card and Logo designs for clients.

Dominica Ministerios 2025

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