Embajadas |
Embajadas en Granada - Embajada y Consulado. Embajadores y Consules |
Embajadas en Granada - Embajada y Consulado. Embajadores y Consules. Representación Diplomatica en el exterior |
Embassies and Consulates of Granada. Grenada Embassy and Consulate. Consul. High commissioner, attaché Diplomatic representatives in Grenada from Brazil, China, Cuba, United States of America, Venezuela. |
Diplomatic Representatives in Grenada |
Brazil - Embassy of the Federative Republic of Brazil - P.O. Box 1226 - Grand Anse, St. George, Grenada - Tel: (473) 439-7160/2/3 - Cell: (473) 405 - 6602 - Fax: (473) 439 -7165 - Email: : brasemb.saintgeorges@itamaraty.gov.br - National Day: September 7 - His Excellency Zenik Krawctschuk, Ambassador Extraordinary (2018) |
China - Embassy of the People’s Republic of China - PO Box 1079, Calliste, St. George's, Grenada - Tel: (473) 439-6228 - Fax: (473) 439-6231 - Email: chinaemb_gd@mfa.gov.cn - National Day: October 1 - His Excellency Dr. Zhao Yongchen, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (2018) |
CUBA - Embassy of the Republic of Cuba - Coral Cove, Lance Aux Epines, St. George, Grenada - Tel: (473) 444-1884 - Fax: (473) 444-1877 - Email: embacubagranada@caribsurf - National Day: January 1 - Her Excellency Mrs. Maria Caridad Balaguer Labrada, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (2018) - Mr. Gustavo Aguinaga Linares - Third secretary, in Charge of Consulate Affairs |
USA - United States Of America - Embassy of the United States of America - Lance Aux Epines, St. George, Grenada - Tel: (473) 444-1173-6 - Fax: (473) 444-4820 - E-mail: usembgd@caribsurf - National Day: July 4 - Mr. Stephen Frahm - Charge d’ Affaires (2018) |
Venezuela - Embassy of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela - P.O. Box 201 - Belmont, St. George, Grenada - Tel: (473) 440-1721-2 - Fax: (473) 440-6657 - Email: vennes@caribsurf - National Day: July 5 - His Excellency Jorge Alfonzo Guerrero Veloz, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (2018) - Minister Counsellor - |
Grenada’s Diplomatic and Consular Representatives Abroad |
Beijing, China - Embassy of Grenada - 1 Xin Dong Road - Building 5, Entrance 2, Suite 52, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China. 100600 - Tel: 011-8610-6532-1208/1209 - Local: 520-1101 (from Grenada only) - Fax: 011-8610-6532-1015 - Email: public@pek.gov.gd - His Excellency Denis Antoine, Ambassador (2018) |
Belgium - Embassy of Grenada - Avenue de la Toison d’Or 24, 5th Floor, 1050 Bruxelles, Belgium - Email: @embassyofgrenadabxl.net - Mrs. Roxie Hutchinson, Charge' d' Affaires |
Canada - High Commission for the Countries of the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States - 130 Albert Street, Suite 700, Ottawa, Ontario, K1P 5G4, Canada - Tel: (613)-236-8952 - Fax: (613)-236-3042 - E-mail: echcc@travel-net.com - Her Excellency Patricia Clarke, High Commissioner - Ms. Sheryl Alexander Heinis, First Secretary |
UK United Kingdom - Grenada High Commission - The Chapel, Archel Road, West Kensington, London, W14 9QH, United Kingdom - High Commissioner - Tel: +44 (0) 20 7385 4415 Direct: +44 (0) 20 7381 4742 C: +44 (0) 7814 535 540 - Fax: +44 (0) 20 7381 4807 - E-mail: office@grenada-highcommission.co.uk -
Website: Grenada Consulate in UK youtube.com/user/grenadahclondon - twitter.com/grenadahcuk - flickr.com/photos/ghclonuk - facebook.com/grenadahighcommission |
USA United States of America - Embassy of Grenada, 1701 New Hampshire Ave., N.W, Washington, D.C., 20009, United States of America - Tel: (202)-265-2561 - Fax: (202) 265-2468 - Email: gdaembassydc@gmail.com - Website: /granada/w=grenadaembassyusa.org - His Excellency Dr. E. Angus Friday, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the United States of America and Mexico and Permanent Representative to the Organization of American States (OAS) (2017) - Ms. Dianne Perrotte, Administrative Assistant, Email: dianne.perrotte@gov.gd - Ms. Simone Dowden, - Receptionist/Clerical Assistant - |
Venezuela - Embassy of Grenada - Centro Plaza, Torre B, Piso 10, Ave Francisco De Miranda, Los Palos Grande, Municipio Chacao, Caracas, Venezuela. - Tel: 58-212-285-2639 - Fax: 58-212-286-4114 - Email: egrenada@cantv.net - His Excellency Hassan Hadeed - Ambassador (2018) |
Cuba - Embassy of Grenada - 5ta. Ave. # 2006, e/20 y 22, Miramar, Playa, La Habana, Republic Of Cuba - Tel: 011-537-204-6764 - Fax: 011-537-204-6765 - E-mail: embgranada@ip.etecsa.cu - Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Her Excellency Claris Charles, 2018 |
Russia - Embassy of Grenada - 40 Povarskaya Street, Moscow 121069, Russian Federation - Tel/Fax: +7 (495) 241-0111 - Email: gd@grenadaembassy.ru - Website: Grenada Embassy in Russia - Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, His Excellency Oleg Firer (2018) |
Consulates of Grenada |
Canada - Consulate General of Grenada - 90 Eglinton Avenue East, Suite 605, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M4P 2Y3 - Tel: (416) 595-1343 - Fax:(416) 595-8278 - Email: info@grenadaconsulate.com - Website: Grenada Consulate in Canada - Mr. Derrick James - Consul General (2018) |
China - Hong Kong SAR, China - Grenada Honorary Consulate of Grenada - Consulate of Grenada, Suite 707, 7 Floor, New World Tower 1, 16 - 18 Queen's Road, Central, Central, HONG KONG - Tel: 011-852-36562777 - Fax: 011-852-36562700 - Email: johnny.hon@grenada-hk.org - Dr. Johnny Sei Hoe Hon, MH, Honorary Consul (2018) |
USA United States of America - New York - Consulate-General of Grenada - 685 Third Avenue, 11th Floor, Suite 1107, New York, N.Y. 10017, U.S.A. - Tel: (212) 599-0301 - Fax: (212) 599-1540 - E-mail: cgny@grenadaconsulate.org - Ms. Rosemarie Welsh, Consul General (2018) |
USA Miami - 400 Arthur Godfrey Rd, Suite 506 - Miami Beach Florida, 33140, USA - Tel: (305) 570-2716 - Fax: (305) 397-2441 - Email: grenadaconsulatemiami@gmail.com - Mr. Warren Newfield, Consul General (2018) |
Mexico - Honrary Consul of the United Mexican States - True Blue Bay Boutique Resort, P.O. Box 1414, Grande Anse, Saint George's, Granada - Tel +1 (473) 443-8783 - E-mail - mfielden@truebluebay; magdalena@truebluebay - Mrs. Magdalena Terrazas de Fielden, Honrary Consul (2018) |
UN United Nations - 800 Second Avenue, Suite 400K - New York, N.Y 10017, U.S.A - Tel: (212) 599-0301 - Fax: (212) 599-1540 - Email: grenada@un.int - H.E Keisha Mcquire, Permanent Representative of Grenada |
Honorary Consular Representatives in Grenada |
Austria - Wildlife Expeditions International Ltd./ Europe Caribbean Office - P.O. Box 1441, Grand Anse, St. George - Tel: (473) 444-4717 - Fax: (473) 443-0825 - E-mail: ja@caribservice.com - Mr. Johannes J. Althap - Honorary Consul for Austria (2018) |
Belize - P.O. Box 1316, - Grand Anse, St. George - Tel: (473) 443 -3752 - Fax: (473) 443 -3766 - Cell: (473) 409 -2095 - E-mail: kay62simon@gmail - Mrs. Laren Kay Simon - Honorary Consul for Belize (2018) |
Chile - C/o Seon and Associates - Church Street - St. George - TEl: 473 435-1770/1771 - Fax: 473 435 1772 - Email: contact@seonlaw - Mrs. Leslie Ann Seon Holocuff, Honorary Consul for Chile - |
Finland - P.O Box 1183 - Grand Anse - St. George - Tel: 473 439 0764/0873 - Mr. Rodney P. George, Honorary Consul for Finland |
UK United Kingdom Of Great Britain and Northern Ireland - Welcome Road, Woburn, St. George - Tel: 473 415 2138 - Mrs. Anita Sutton, Honorary Consul for the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
Germany - Fontenoy - St. George - Tel: (473) 440-7260 - Fax: (473) 440-7260 - E-mail: bluebeard@spiceisle - Mrs. Margit Biebel-Potgieter - Honorary Consul for Germany |
Guyana - Cooperative Republic Of Guyana - C/o Geo. F. Huggins and Co. Ltd. - Grand Etang Rd, St. George - Tel: (473) 440-2031 - Fax: (473) 440-4129 - Email: deosingh@spiceisle - National Day: February 23 - Mr. Deodat Singh (m) - Honorary Consul for Guyana |
Italy - Westherhall Point - St. Davids - Tel: 473 420 6143 - Mrs. Orsola Ginanni Fantuzzi (m) - Honorary Consul for Italy |
Mexico - C/o True Blue Bay Botique Resort,Old Mill Road, True Blue Bay - St. George's - Tel: 473 443 8783 - Email: magdalena@truebluebay.com / ch.stgeorge@sre.gob.mx - Mrs. Magdalena Terrazas Fielden, Honorary Consul for the United Mexican States |
JAMAICA - Kirani James BIVD - St. George's - P.O. Box 524 - Tel: (473) 444-5210 - Fax: (473) 440-4985 - Tel: 473 440 5000 - Fax: 473 440 5002 - Mr. Samuel Byam (m), Honorary Consul for Jamaica - E-mail: bevathome@spiceisle - Mrs. Aine Beaubrun Brathwaite (m) – Honorary ViceConsul, Hi-Tech Printery - Email: hi-tech@spiceisle |
Republic Of Korea - C/O Seales Music School - UpperLucas Street - St. George - Grenada - Tel: (473) 440-9410 /(473) 438-3658 - Skpe: 1 (718) 878 -6402 - Cell: 1 (473) 535 -0759 - Email: sealeslaw@hotmail.com - Website: Korea Grenada - Mr. Jerry Seales, JP - Honorary Consul |
Norway - C/o Netherlands Insurance - Grand Anse, St. George - Tel: (473) 444-3013 - Mr. Richard Strachan (m) - Honorary Consul for Kingdom of Norway |
Poland - C/o Renwick and Thompson - The Carenage - St. George - Tel: (473) 440-2625 - Fax: (473) 440-4179 - E-mail: renthom@spiceisle.com - Mr. Andrew Bierzynski (m) - Honorary Consul for Poland |
Switzerland - C/o La Phare Bleu, St. George - Tel: 473 444 2400 - Fax: 473 443 4232 - Mrs. Jana Caniga, Honorary Consul for the Swiss Confederation |
Spain - C/o Jonas Browne and Hubbard (G’da) Ltd. - The Carenage - St. George - Tel: (473) 440-2087 - Fax: (473) 440-4008 - Mr. Allan Bierzynski (m) - Honorary Consul for the Kingdom of Spain |
Sweden - Wilkinson and Wilkinson - Lucas Street - St. George - Tel: (473) 440-3578 - Fax: (473) 440-4172 - E-mail: wilkinson@spiceisle - Mr. Shireen Wilkinson - Honorary Consul for Sweden |
Republic Of Trinidad And Tobago - 55 Westerhall Point - St. David - Tel: (473) 440-2340 / (473) 407-1822 - Fax: (473) 440-8915 - Clifton Ali - Honorary Consul for Trinidad and Tobago |
The Kingdom of TThe Netherlands - C/o Mitchell and Co Chambers, Units 14-16, Excel Plaza, Grand Anse, St. George - Tel: (473) 435 2017 - Fax: (473) 437 2017 - Email: dickonl@dicksonco - Mr. Dickon Mitchell - Honrary Consul Kingdom of the Netherlands - |
Grenada Diplomatic and Consular List |
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