
Embajadas en Granada - Embajada y Consulado. Embajadores y Consules
Embajadas en Granada - Embajada y Consulado. Embajadores y Consules. Representación Diplomatica en el exterior
Embassies and Consulates of Granada. Grenada Embassy and Consulate. Consul. High commissioner, attaché Diplomatic representatives in Grenada from Brazil, China, Cuba, United States of America, Venezuela.
Diplomatic Representatives in Grenada
Brazil - Embassy of the Federative Republic of Brazil - P.O. Box 1226 - Grand Anse, St. George, Grenada - Tel: (473) 439-7160/2/3 - Cell: (473) 405 - 6602 - Fax: (473) 439 -7165 - Email: : brasemb.saintgeorges@itamaraty.gov.br - National Day: September 7 - His Excellency Zenik Krawctschuk, Ambassador Extraordinary (2018)
China - Embassy of the People’s Republic of China - PO Box 1079, Calliste, St. George's, Grenada - Tel: (473) 439-6228 - Fax: (473) 439-6231 - Email: chinaemb_gd@mfa.gov.cn - National Day: October 1 - His Excellency Dr. Zhao Yongchen, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (2018)
CUBA - Embassy of the Republic of Cuba - Coral Cove, Lance Aux Epines, St. George, Grenada - Tel: (473) 444-1884 - Fax: (473) 444-1877 - Email: embacubagranada@caribsurf - National Day: January 1 - Her Excellency Mrs. Maria Caridad Balaguer Labrada, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (2018) - Mr. Gustavo Aguinaga Linares - Third secretary, in Charge of Consulate Affairs
USA - United States Of America - Embassy of the United States of America - Lance Aux Epines, St. George, Grenada - Tel: (473) 444-1173-6 - Fax: (473) 444-4820 - E-mail: usembgd@caribsurf - National Day: July 4 - Mr. Stephen Frahm - Charge d’ Affaires (2018)
Venezuela - Embassy of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela - P.O. Box 201 - Belmont, St. George, Grenada - Tel: (473) 440-1721-2 - Fax: (473) 440-6657 - Email: vennes@caribsurf - National Day: July 5 - His Excellency Jorge Alfonzo Guerrero Veloz, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (2018) - Minister Counsellor -
Grenada’s Diplomatic and Consular Representatives Abroad
Beijing, China - Embassy of Grenada - 1 Xin Dong Road - Building 5, Entrance 2, Suite 52, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China. 100600 - Tel: 011-8610-6532-1208/1209 - Local: 520-1101 (from Grenada only) - Fax: 011-8610-6532-1015 - Email: public@pek.gov.gd - His Excellency Denis Antoine, Ambassador (2018)
Belgium - Embassy of Grenada - Avenue de la Toison d’Or 24, 5th Floor, 1050 Bruxelles, Belgium - Email: @embassyofgrenadabxl.net - Mrs. Roxie Hutchinson, Charge' d' Affaires
Canada - High Commission for the Countries of the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States - 130 Albert Street, Suite 700, Ottawa, Ontario, K1P 5G4, Canada - Tel: (613)-236-8952 - Fax: (613)-236-3042 - E-mail: echcc@travel-net.com - Her Excellency Patricia Clarke, High Commissioner - Ms. Sheryl Alexander Heinis, First Secretary
UK United Kingdom - Grenada High Commission - The Chapel, Archel Road, West Kensington, London, W14 9QH, United Kingdom - High Commissioner - Tel: +44 (0) 20 7385 4415 Direct: +44 (0) 20 7381 4742 C: +44 (0) 7814 535 540 - Fax: +44 (0) 20 7381 4807 - E-mail: office@grenada-highcommission.co.uk -

Website: Grenada Consulate in UK youtube.com/user/grenadahclondon - twitter.com/grenadahcuk - flickr.com/photos/ghclonuk - facebook.com/grenadahighcommission

USA United States of America - Embassy of Grenada, 1701 New Hampshire Ave., N.W, Washington, D.C., 20009, United States of America - Tel: (202)-265-2561 - Fax: (202) 265-2468 - Email: gdaembassydc@gmail.com - Website: /granada/w=grenadaembassyusa.org - His Excellency Dr. E. Angus Friday, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the United States of America and Mexico and Permanent Representative to the Organization of American States (OAS) (2017) - Ms. Dianne Perrotte, Administrative Assistant, Email: dianne.perrotte@gov.gd - Ms. Simone Dowden, - Receptionist/Clerical Assistant -
Venezuela - Embassy of Grenada - Centro Plaza, Torre B, Piso 10, Ave Francisco De Miranda, Los Palos Grande, Municipio Chacao, Caracas, Venezuela. - Tel: 58-212-285-2639 - Fax: 58-212-286-4114 - Email: egrenada@cantv.net - His Excellency Hassan Hadeed - Ambassador (2018)
Cuba - Embassy of Grenada - 5ta. Ave. # 2006, e/20 y 22, Miramar, Playa, La Habana, Republic Of Cuba - Tel: 011-537-204-6764 - Fax: 011-537-204-6765 - E-mail: embgranada@ip.etecsa.cu - Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Her Excellency Claris Charles, 2018
Russia - Embassy of Grenada - 40 Povarskaya Street, Moscow 121069, Russian Federation - Tel/Fax: +7 (495) 241-0111 - Email: gd@grenadaembassy.ru - Website: Grenada Embassy in Russia - Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, His Excellency Oleg Firer (2018)
Consulates of Grenada
Canada - Consulate General of Grenada - 90 Eglinton Avenue East, Suite 605, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M4P 2Y3 - Tel: (416) 595-1343 - Fax:(416) 595-8278 - Email: info@grenadaconsulate.com - Website: Grenada Consulate in Canada - Mr. Derrick James - Consul General (2018)
China - Hong Kong SAR, China - Grenada Honorary Consulate of Grenada - Consulate of Grenada, Suite 707, 7 Floor, New World Tower 1, 16 - 18 Queen's Road, Central, Central, HONG KONG - Tel: 011-852-36562777 - Fax: 011-852-36562700 - Email: johnny.hon@grenada-hk.org - Dr. Johnny Sei Hoe Hon, MH, Honorary Consul (2018)
USA United States of America - New York - Consulate-General of Grenada - 685 Third Avenue, 11th Floor, Suite 1107, New York, N.Y. 10017, U.S.A. - Tel: (212) 599-0301 - Fax: (212) 599-1540 - E-mail: cgny@grenadaconsulate.org - Ms. Rosemarie Welsh, Consul General (2018)
USA Miami - 400 Arthur Godfrey Rd, Suite 506 - Miami Beach Florida, 33140, USA - Tel: (305) 570-2716 - Fax: (305) 397-2441 - Email: grenadaconsulatemiami@gmail.com - Mr. Warren Newfield, Consul General (2018)
Mexico - Honrary Consul of the United Mexican States - True Blue Bay Boutique Resort, P.O. Box 1414, Grande Anse, Saint George's, Granada - Tel +1 (473) 443-8783 - E-mail - mfielden@truebluebay; magdalena@truebluebay - Mrs. Magdalena Terrazas de Fielden, Honrary Consul (2018)
UN United Nations - 800 Second Avenue, Suite 400K - New York, N.Y 10017, U.S.A - Tel: (212) 599-0301 - Fax: (212) 599-1540 - Email: grenada@un.int - H.E Keisha Mcquire, Permanent Representative of Grenada
Honorary Consular Representatives in Grenada
Austria - Wildlife Expeditions International Ltd./ Europe Caribbean Office - P.O. Box 1441, Grand Anse, St. George - Tel: (473) 444-4717 - Fax: (473) 443-0825 - E-mail: ja@caribservice.com - Mr. Johannes J. Althap - Honorary Consul for Austria (2018)
Belize - P.O. Box 1316, - Grand Anse, St. George - Tel: (473) 443 -3752 - Fax: (473) 443 -3766 - Cell: (473) 409 -2095 - E-mail: kay62simon@gmail - Mrs. Laren Kay Simon - Honorary Consul for Belize (2018)
Chile - C/o Seon and Associates - Church Street - St. George - TEl: 473 435-1770/1771 - Fax: 473 435 1772 - Email: contact@seonlaw - Mrs. Leslie Ann Seon Holocuff, Honorary Consul for Chile -
Finland - P.O Box 1183 - Grand Anse - St. George - Tel: 473 439 0764/0873 - Mr. Rodney P. George, Honorary Consul for Finland
UK United Kingdom Of Great Britain and Northern Ireland - Welcome Road, Woburn, St. George - Tel: 473 415 2138 - Mrs. Anita Sutton, Honorary Consul for the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Germany - Fontenoy - St. George - Tel: (473) 440-7260 - Fax: (473) 440-7260 - E-mail: bluebeard@spiceisle - Mrs. Margit Biebel-Potgieter - Honorary Consul for Germany
Guyana - Cooperative Republic Of Guyana - C/o Geo. F. Huggins and Co. Ltd. - Grand Etang Rd, St. George - Tel: (473) 440-2031 - Fax: (473) 440-4129 - Email: deosingh@spiceisle - National Day: February 23 - Mr. Deodat Singh (m) - Honorary Consul for Guyana
Italy - Westherhall Point - St. Davids - Tel: 473 420 6143 - Mrs. Orsola Ginanni Fantuzzi (m) - Honorary Consul for Italy
Mexico - C/o True Blue Bay Botique Resort,Old Mill Road, True Blue Bay - St. George's - Tel: 473 443 8783 - Email: magdalena@truebluebay.com / ch.stgeorge@sre.gob.mx - Mrs. Magdalena Terrazas Fielden, Honorary Consul for the United Mexican States
JAMAICA - Kirani James BIVD - St. George's - P.O. Box 524 - Tel: (473) 444-5210 - Fax: (473) 440-4985 - Tel: 473 440 5000 - Fax: 473 440 5002 - Mr. Samuel Byam (m), Honorary Consul for Jamaica - E-mail: bevathome@spiceisle - Mrs. Aine Beaubrun Brathwaite (m) – Honorary ViceConsul, Hi-Tech Printery - Email: hi-tech@spiceisle
Republic Of Korea - C/O Seales Music School - UpperLucas Street - St. George - Grenada - Tel: (473) 440-9410 /(473) 438-3658 - Skpe: 1 (718) 878 -6402 - Cell: 1 (473) 535 -0759 - Email: sealeslaw@hotmail.com - Website: Korea Grenada - Mr. Jerry Seales, JP - Honorary Consul
Norway - C/o Netherlands Insurance - Grand Anse, St. George - Tel: (473) 444-3013 - Mr. Richard Strachan (m) - Honorary Consul for Kingdom of Norway
Poland - C/o Renwick and Thompson - The Carenage - St. George - Tel: (473) 440-2625 - Fax: (473) 440-4179 - E-mail: renthom@spiceisle.com - Mr. Andrew Bierzynski (m) - Honorary Consul for Poland
Switzerland - C/o La Phare Bleu, St. George - Tel: 473 444 2400 - Fax: 473 443 4232 - Mrs. Jana Caniga, Honorary Consul for the Swiss Confederation
Spain - C/o Jonas Browne and Hubbard (G’da) Ltd. - The Carenage - St. George - Tel: (473) 440-2087 - Fax: (473) 440-4008 - Mr. Allan Bierzynski (m) - Honorary Consul for the Kingdom of Spain
Sweden - Wilkinson and Wilkinson - Lucas Street - St. George - Tel: (473) 440-3578 - Fax: (473) 440-4172 - E-mail: wilkinson@spiceisle - Mr. Shireen Wilkinson - Honorary Consul for Sweden
Republic Of Trinidad And Tobago - 55 Westerhall Point - St. David - Tel: (473) 440-2340 / (473) 407-1822 - Fax: (473) 440-8915 - Clifton Ali - Honorary Consul for Trinidad and Tobago
The Kingdom of TThe Netherlands - C/o Mitchell and Co Chambers, Units 14-16, Excel Plaza, Grand Anse, St. George - Tel: (473) 435 2017 - Fax: (473) 437 2017 - Email: dickonl@dicksonco - Mr. Dickon Mitchell - Honrary Consul Kingdom of the Netherlands -
Grenada Diplomatic and Consular List

Granada Embajadas 2025

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Registro Nacional Granada Gobierno - Para buscar datos y más información adicional en registros públicos.
Conoce cómo buscar datos de personas en Granada. Guía para encontrar información de personas granadinas por nombre, apellidos y otros documentos de identificación.