Estados Unidos |
Estados Unidos- Registro Nacional Servicios en Línea |
Estados Unidos - Información nacional y servicios en línea. Lista de sitios del gobierno, registros e instituciones públicas, ministerios, teléfonos y direcciones. Guía de consultas y trámites para personas y empresas. |
Estados Unidos - USA Registro Nacional. Gobierno Americano, Lista de Departamentos e Instituciones |
FirstGov First Gobierno Portal |
White House Casa Blanca - Oficina del Presidente del Estados Unidos de America |
Senate Senado. Senadores |
House of Representatives Casa de Representantes |
Estados Unidos Teléfonos (+1) - Buscar Teléfonos Celulares y Servicios de Internet en US / USA. Directorio de páginas blancas donde puede encontrar el número telefónico y dirección de personas o empresas. Consulta la guía telefónica y la lista de códigos por ciudad. |
Estados Unidos - USA Registro Nacional |
Cuidado de Salud Health Care |
Health Care |
FirstGov First Government Portal - Centro de Servicios de Información del Gobierno al Ciudadano |
White House Oficina de the President of the United States of America |
DoC Department of Commerce |
OMB Oficina de Management and Budget |
USDA Department of Agriculture |
NCDG National Center for Digital Government seeks to build global research capacity, to advance practice, and to strengthen the network of researchers |
OSTP Oficina de Science and Technology Policy |
NCO/IT R&D National Coordination Office for Information Technology Research and Development |
OFEE Oficina de the Federal Environmental Executive |
ONDCP Oficina de National Drug Control Policy |
Oficina de the U.S. Trade Representative |
PCAH President's Committee on the Arts and the Humanities |
PCEPD President's Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities |
President's Advisory Commission on Consumer Protection and Quality en the Health Care Industry |
Forest Service |
FNS Food and Nutrition Service |
NRCS Natural Resources Conservation Service |
FSIS Food Safety and Inspection Service |
APHIS Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service |
ARS Agricultural Research Service |
AMS Agricultural Marketing Service |
FAS Foreign Agricultural Service |
ERS Economic Research Service |
CSREES Cooperative State Reencontrar, Education and Extension Service |
NASS National Agricultural Statistics Service |
RUS Rural Utilities Service |
RHS Rural Housing Service |
RBS Rural Business-Cooperative Service |
OCD Oficina de Community Development |
CNPP Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion |
GIPSA Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyard Administration |
FSA Farm Service Agency |
RMA Risk Management Agency |
NFAC National Food and Agriculture Council |
ESA Economics and Statistics Administration |
BEA Bureau of Economic Analysis |
Bureau of the Census |
EDA Economic Development Administration |
ITA International Trade Administration |
IA Import Administration |
BIS Bureau of Industry and Security |
CIAO Critical Infrastructure Assurance Office |
NWS National Weather Service |
NOS National Ocean Service |
NMFS National Marine Fisheries Service |
OAR Oficina de Oceanic and Atmospheric Research |
OGP Oficina de Global Programs |
NTIA National Telecommunications and Information Administration |
ITS Institute for Telecommunication Sciences |
TA Technology Administration |
NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology |
OTP Oficina de Technology Policy |
NTIS National Technical Information Serivce |
Oficina de Space Commercialization |
PTO U.S. Patent and Trademark Office |
MBDA Minority Business Development Agency |
DoD Department of Defense
AFIS American Forces Information Service |
Joint Chiefs of Staff |
U.S. Army |
U.S. Air Force |
U.S. Navy |
U.S. Marine Corps |
National Guard |
DIA Defense Intelligence Agency |
DLA Defense Logistics Agency |
DISA Defense Information Systems Agency |
DARPA Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency |
DTRA Defense Threat Reduction Agency |
DeCA Defense Commissary Agency |
DSCA Defense Security Cooperation Agency |
NIMA National Imagery and Mapping Agency |
MDA Missile Defense Agency - BMDO |
NSA National Security Agency |
DSS Defense Security Service |
DFAS Defense Finance and Accounting Service |
AFRTS Armed Forces Radio and Television Service |
ABS Army Broadcasting Service |
CPMS Civilian Personnel Management Service |
DPMO Defense Prisoner of War / Missing Personnel Office |
NRO National Reconnaissance Office |
ED Department of Education |
OESE Oficina de Elementary and Secondary Education |
OPE Oficina de Postsecondary Education |
OVAE Oficina de Vocational and Adult Education |
OERI Oficina de Educational Research and Improvement |
OSERS Oficina de Special Education and Rehabilitative Services |
OBEMLA Oficina de Bilingual Education and Minority Languages Affairs |
OCR Oficina de Civil Rights |
NCES National Center for Education Statistics |
DoE Department of Energy |
EERE Oficina de Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy |
EH Oficina de Environment, Safety and Health |
EM Oficina de Environmental Management |
FE Oficina de Fossil Energy |
OFES Oficina de Fusion Energy Sciences |
NE Oficina de Nuclear Energy, Science and Technology |
SC Oficina de Science |
OSTI Oficina de Scientific and Technical Information |
OCRWM Oficina de Civilian Radioactive Waste Management |
OHRE Oficina de Human Radiation Experiments |
NNSA National Nuclear Security Administration |
EIA Energy Information Administration |
BPA Bonneville Power Administration |
SEPA Southeastern Power Administration |
SWPA Southwestern Power Administration |
WAPA Western Area Power Administration |
NETL National Energy Technology Laboratory |
FERC Federal Energy Regulatory Commission |
HHS Department of Health and Human Services |
OPHS Oficina de Public Health and Science |
CMS Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services |
FDA Food and Drug Administration |
ACF Administration for Children and Families |
AoA Administration on Aging |
HRSA Health Resources and Services Administration |
SAMHSA Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration |
AHRQ Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality |
IHS Indian Health Service |
NIH National Institutes of Health |
CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention |
NIOSH National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health |
NCHS National Center for Health Statistics |
NCIPC National Center for Injury Prevention and Control |
NCCDPHP National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion |
NCID National Center for Infectious Diseases |
NCEH National Center for Environmental Health |
ATSDR Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry |
EHPC Environmental Health Policy Committee |
HUD Department of Housing and Urban Development |
Oficina de Housing |
CPD Oficina de Community Planning and Development |
FHEO Oficina de Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity |
PIH Oficina de Public and Indian Housing |
OMHAR Oficina de Multifamily Housing Assistance Restructuring |
Oficina de Healthy Homes and Lead Hazard Control |
OFHEO Oficina de Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight |
DoI Department of the Interior |
USFWS U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service |
USGS U.S. Geological Survey |
NPS National Park Service |
USPP U.S. Park Police |
BIA Bureau of Indian Affairs |
OIEP Oficina de Indian Education Programs |
BLM Bureau of Land Management |
OSM Oficina de Surface Mining |
MMS Minerals Management Service |
Bureau of Reclamation |
OST Oficina de the Special Trustee for American Indians |
OIA Oficina de Insular Affairs |
OAIT Oficina de American Indian Trust |
MRPS Oficina de Managing Risk and Public Safety |
OAS Oficina de Aircraft Services |
NIFC National Interagency Fire Center |
DoJ Department of Justice |
Antitrust Division |
Civil Division |
Civil Rights Division |
Criminal Division |
Environment and Natural Resources Division |
Tax Division |
Justice Management Division |
Oficina de the Attorney General |
OSG Oficina de the Solicitor General |
FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation |
NIPC National Infrastructure Protection Center |
USMS U.S. Marshals Service |
BOP Federal Bureau of Prisons |
NIC National Institute of Corrections |
DEA Drug Enforcement Administration |
INS Immigration and Naturalization Service |
OTJ Oficina de Tribal Justice |
OJP Oficina de Justice Programs |
BJA Bureau of Justice Assistance |
BJS Bureau of Justice Statistics |
OVC Office for Victims of Crime |
OJJDP Oficina de Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention |
ODP Office for Domestic Preparedness |
NIJ National Institute of Justice |
NCJRS National Criminal Justice Reference Service |
NLECTC National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center |
NDIC National Drug Intelligence Center |
FCSC Foreign Claims Settlement Commission |
U.S. Parole Commission |
DoL Department of Labor |
OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration |
ETA Employment and Training Administration |
ESA Employment Standards Administration |
MSHA Mine Safety and Health Administration |
PWBA Pension and Welfare Benefits Administration |
VETS Veterans' Employment and Training Service |
ILAB Bureau of International Labor Affairs |
BLS Bureau of Labor Statistics |
BRB Benefits Review Board |
ECAB Employees' Compensation Appeals Board |
DoS Department of State |
CA Bureau of Consular Affairs |
ECA Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs |
DS Bureau of Diplomatic Security |
IIP Oficina de International Information Programs |
DTC Oficina de Defense Trade Controls |
Foreign Press Centers |
USAID U.S. Agency for International Development |
DoT Department of Transportation |
FHWA Federal Highway Administration |
FRA Federal Railroad Administration |
FAA Federal Aviation Administration |
MARAD Maritime Administration |
FTA Federal Transit Administration |
NHTSA National Highway Traffic Safety Administration |
FMCSA Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration |
TSA Transportation Security Administration |
RSPA Research and Special Programs Administration |
USCG U.S. Coast Guard |
Oficina de Boating Safety |
USCG Navigation Center |
USCG Research and Development Center |
U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary |
BTS Bureau of Transportation Statistics |
TASC Transportation Administrative Service Center |
STB Surface Transportation Board |
Department of the Treasury |
OCC Oficina de the Comptroller of the Currency |
OTS Oficina de Thrift Supervision |
BPD Bureau of Public Debt |
BEP Bureau of Engraving and Printing |
ATF Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms |
IRS Internal Revenue Service |
CID Criminal Investigation Division |
FMS Financial Management Service |
USCS U.S. Customs Service |
USSS U.S. Secret Service |
USM U.S. Mint |
VA Department of Veteran Affairs |
VBA Veterans Benefits Administration |
NCA National Cemetery Administration |
BVA Board of Veterans' Appeals |
BCA Board of Contract Appeals |
FEDSTATS Federal Interagency Council on Statistical Policy |
FGDC Federal Geographic Data Committee |
GAO General Accounting Office |
NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration |
ATBCB Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board |
NARA National Archives and Records Administration |
U.S. Arctic Research Commission ARC |
NEA National Endowment for the Arts |
ABMC American Battle Monuments Commission |
NCPC National Capital Planning Commission |
CSB Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board |
USCCR U.S. Commission on Civil Rights |
CFTC Commodity Futures Trading Commission |
FCC Federal Communications Commission |
Oficina de Compliance |
CPSC U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission |
U.S. Copyright Office |
NCUA National Credit Union Administration |
DNFSB Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board |
FDIC Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation |
NCD National Council on Disability |
FEC Federal Election Commission |
FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency |
USFA U.S. Fire Administration |
EPA Environmental Protection Agency |
EEOC U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission |
OGE Oficina de Government Ethics |
Export-Import Bank of the United States |
FCA Farm Credit Administration |
FFIEC Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council |
GSA General Services Administration |
FTS Federal Technology Service |
OGP Oficina de Governmentwide Policy |
ACHP Advisory Council on Historic Preservation |
FHFB Federal Housing Finance Board |
NEH National Endowment for the Humanities |
CIA Central Intelligence Agency |
IBB International Broadcasting Bureau |
VOA Voice of America |
Worldnet Television |
OCB Oficina de Cuba Broadcasting / Radio/TV Marti |
RFE RL Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty |
RFA Radio Free Asia |
USITC International Trade Commission |
FLRA Federal Labor Relations Authority |
NCLIS U.S. National Commission on Libraries and Information Science |
NIFL National Institute for Literacy |
FMC U.S. Federal Maritime Commission |
FMCS Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service |
MedPAC Medicare Payment Advisory Commission |
MSPB U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board |
IMLS Institute of Museum and Library Services |
NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission |
OPM Oficina de Personnel Management |
PRC Postal Rate Commssion |
GPO U.S. Government Printing Office |
RRB Railroad Retirement Board |
Federal Reserve |
Federal Reserve System |
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston (1st District) |
Federal Reserve Bank of New York (2nd District) |
Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia (3rd District) |
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland (4th District) |
Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond (5th District) |
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta (6th District) |
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago (7th District) |
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (8th District) |
Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis (9th District) |
Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City (10th District) |
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas (11th District) |
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco (12th District) |
NSF National Science Foundation |
SEC Securities and Exchange Commission |
USSC U.S. Sentencing Commission |
SBA Small Business Administration |
SSA Social Security Administration |
OSC U.S. Oficina de Special Counsel |
TVA Tennessee Valley Authority |
FTC Federal Trade Commission |
TDA U.S. Trade and Development Agency |
NTSB National Transportation Safety Board |
U.S. Federal Courts |
Justice |
FJC Federal Judicial Center |
Supreme Court of the United States |
U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit |
U.S. Court of Appeals for the 1st Circuit |
U.S. Court of Appeals for the 3rd Circuit |
U.S. Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit |
U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit |
U.S. Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit |
U.S. Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit |
U.S. Court of Appeals for the 8th Circuit |
U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit |
U.S. Court of Appeals for the 10th Circuit |
U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit |
U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit |
U.S. Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces |
U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Alabama |
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Middle District of Alabama |
U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Alabama |
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Northern District of Alabama |
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of Alabama |
U.S. District Court for the District of Alaska |
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Alaska |
U.S. District Court for the District of Arizona |
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Arizona |
U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Arkansas |
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Eastern District of Arkansas |
U.S. District Court for the Western District of Arkansas |
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Western District of Arkansas |
U.S. District Court for the Central District of California |
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Central District of California |
U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of California |
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Eastern District of California |
U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California |
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Northern District of California |
U.S. District Court for the Southern District of California |
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of California |
U.S. District Court for the District of Colorado |
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Colorado |
U.S. District Court for the District of Connecticut |
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Connecticut |
U.S. District Court for the District of Delaware |
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware |
U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Florida |
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Middle District of Florida |
U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Florida |
U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida |
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of Florida |
U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Georgia |
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Middle District of Georgia |
U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Georgia |
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Northern District of Georgia |
U.S. District and Bankruptcy Courts for the Southern District of Georgia |
U.S. District Court for the District of Hawaii |
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Hawaii |
U.S. District and Bankruptcy Courts for the District of Idaho |
U.S. District Court for the Central District of Illinois |
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Central District of Illinois |
U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois |
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Northern District of Illinois |
U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Illinois |
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of Illinois |
U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Indiana |
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Northern District of Indiana |
U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Indiana |
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of Indiana |
U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Iowa |
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Northern District of Iowa |
U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Iowa |
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of Iowa |
U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Kentucky |
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Eastern District of Kentucky |
U.S. District Court for the Western District of Kentucky |
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Western District of Kentucky |
U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana |
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana |
U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Louisiana |
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Middle District of Louisiana |
U.S. District Court for the Western District of Louisiana |
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Western District of Louisiana |
U.S. District Court for the District of Maine |
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Maine |
U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland |
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Maryland |
U.S. District Court for the District of Massachusetts |
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Massachusetts |
U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan |
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Eastern District of Michigan |
U.S. District Court for the Western District of Michigan |
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Western District of Michigan |
U.S. District Court for the District of Minnesota |
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Minnesota |
U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Mississippi |
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Northern District of Mississippi |
U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi |
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of Mississippi |
U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri |
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Eastern District of Missouri |
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Montana |
U.S. District Court for the District of Nebraska |
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Nebraska |
U.S. District Court for the District of Nevada |
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Nevada |
U.S. District Court for the District of New Hampshire |
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of New Hampshire |
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of New Jersey |
U.S. District Court for the District of New Mexico |
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of New Mexico |
U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of New York |
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Eastern District of New York |
U.S. District Court for the Northern District of New York |
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Northern District of New York |
U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York |
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York |
U.S. District Court for the Western District of New York |
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Western District of New York |
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Eastern District of North Carolina |
U.S. District Court for the Middle District of North Carolina |
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Middle District of North Carolina |
U.S. District Court for the Western District of North Carolina |
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Western District of North Carolina |
U.S. District Court for the District of North Dakota |
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of North Dakota |
U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Ohio |
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Northern District of Ohio |
U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Ohio |
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of Ohio |
U.S. District Court for the District of Oregon |
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Oregon |
U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania |
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania |
U.S. District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania |
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania |
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Rhode Island |
U.S. District Court for the District of South Carolina |
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of South Carolina |
U.S. District Court for the District of South Dakota |
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of South Dakota |
U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Tennessee |
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Eastern District of Tennessee |
U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Tennessee |
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Middle District of Tennessee |
U.S. District Court for the Western District of Tennessee |
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Western District of Tennessee |
U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas |
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Eastern District of Texas |
U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas |
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Northern District of Texas |
U.S. District and Bankruptcy Courts for the Southern District of Texas |
U.S. District Court for the Western District of Texas |
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Western District of Texas |
U.S. District Court for the District of Utah |
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Utah |
U.S. District Court for the District of Vermont |
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Vermont |
U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia |
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Eastern District of Virginia |
U.S. District Court for the Western District of Virginia |
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Western District of Virginia |
U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Washington |
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Eastern District of Washington |
U.S. District Court for the Western District of Washington |
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Western District of Washington |
U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Wisconsin |
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Eastern District of Wisconsin |
U.S. District Court for the Western District of Wisconsin |
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Western District of Wisconsin |
U.S. District Court for the District of Wyoming |
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Wyoming |
U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia |
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Columbia |
U.S. Court of International Trade |
U.S. Court of Federal Claims |
U.S. Tax Court |
State Governments |
State of Alabama |
State of Alaska |
State of Arizona |
State of Arkansas |
State of California |
State of Colorado |
State of Connecticut |
State of Delaware |
State of Florida |
State of Georgia |
State of Hawai'i |
State of Idaho |
State of Illinois |
State of Indiana |
State of Iowa |
State of Kansas |
State of Kentucky |
State of Louisiana |
State of Maine |
State of Maryland |
State of Massachusetts |
State of Michigan |
State of Minnesota |
State of Mississippi |
State of Missouri |
State of Montana |
State of Nebraska |
State of Nevada |
State of New Hampshire |
State of New Jersey |
State of New Mexico |
State of New York |
State of North Carolina |
State of North Dakota |
State of Ohio |
State of Oklahoma |
State of Oregon |
State of Pennsylvania |
State of Rhode Island |
State of South Carolina |
State of South Dakota |
State of Tennessee |
State of Texas |
State of Utah |
State of Vermont |
State of Virginia |
State of Washington |
State of West Virginia |
State of Wisconsin |
State of Wyoming |
District of Columbia |
Embajadas de Estados Unidos en otros paises |
Embassies in Foreign Countries |
U.S. Embajada en Tirana, Albania |
U.S. Embajada en Luanda, Angola |
U.S. Consulado General en Curaçao, Antilles, Netherlands |
U.S. Embajada en Abu Dhabi, Arab Emirates |
U.S. Embajada en Buenos Aires, Argentina |
U.S. Embajada en Yerevan, Armenia |
USAID Mission |
U.S. Embajada en Canberra, Australia |
U.S. Consulado General en Melbourne, Australia |
U.S. Consulado General en Perth, Australia |
U.S. Consulado General en Sydney, Australia |
U.S. Embajada en Vienna, Austria |
Oficina de Agricultural Affairs |
U.S. Embajada en Baku, Azerbaijan |
U.S. Embajada en Nassau, Bahamas |
U.S. Embajada en Manama, Bahrain |
U.S. Embajada en Dhaka, Bangladesh |
USAID Mission |
U.S. Embajada en Bridgetown, Barbados |
U.S. Embajada en Minsk, Belarus |
U.S. Embajada en Brussels, Belgium |
U.S. Embajada en Belize City, Belize |
U.S. Embajada en La Paz, Bolivia |
U.S. Embajada en Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina |
USAID Mission |
U.S. Embajada en Gaborone, Botswana |
U.S. Embajada en Brasilia, Brazil |
USAID Mission |
American Consular Agency en Fortaleza, Brazil |
U.S. Consulado General en Rio de Janeiro, Brazil |
U.S. Embajada en Sofia, Bulgaria |
U.S. Embajada en Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso |
U.S. Embajada en Bujumbura, Burundi |
U.S. Embajada en Phnom Penh, Cambodia |
U.S. Embajada en Yaounde, Cameroon |
U.S. Embajada en Ottawa, Canada |
U.S. Embajada en N'Djamena, Chad |
U.S. Embajada en Santiago, Chile |
U.S. Embajada en Beijing, China (People's Republic) |
Commercial Service |
U.S. Consulado en Chengdu, China (People's Republic) |
U.S. Consulado General en Guangzhou, China (People's Republic) |
U.S. Consulado General en Shanghai, China (People's Republic) |
Agricultural Trade Office |
U.S. Consulado en Shenyang, China (People's Republic) |
AIT American Institute en Taiwan en Taipei, China - (Republic) |
Alaska State Trade Office en Taipei, China (Republic) |
Louisiana Trade Office en Taipei, China (Republic) |
State of Montana Office en Taipei, China (Republic) |
U.S. Embajada en Bogota, Colombia |
Kinshasa U.S. Embajada en Kinshasa, Congo (Democratic Republic) |
USAID Mission |
U.S. Embajada en San Jose, Costa Rica |
U.S. Embajada en Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire |
U.S. Embajada en Zagreb, Croatia |
U.S. Interests Section en Havana, Cuba |
U.S. Embajada en Nikosia, Cyprus |
U.S. Embajada en Prague, Czech Republic |
U.S. Embajada en Copenhagen, Denmark |
U.S. Embajada en Djibouti, Djibouti |
U.S. Embajada en Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic |
U.S. Consulado General en Guayaquil, Ecuador |
U.S. Embajada en Quito, Ecuador |
U.S. Embajada en Cairo, Egypt |
USAID Mission |
U.S. Embajada en San Salvador, El Salvador |
USAID Mission |
U.S. Embajada en Tallinn, Estonia |
U.S. Embajada en Addis Ababa, Ethiopia |
USAID Mission |
U.S. Embajada en Suva, Fiji |
U.S. Embajada en Helsinki, Finland |
U.S. Embajada en Paris, France |
Oficina de Defense Cooperation |
Africa Regional Services |
U.S. Embajada en Libreville, Gabon |
U.S. Embajada en Tbilisi, Georgia |
U.S. Embajada en Berlin, Germany |
Oficina de Defense Cooperation |
Agricultural Trade Office |
U.S. Embajada en Accra, Ghana |
U.S. Consulado General en Edinburgh, Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
U.S. Embajada en London, Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
Oficina de Defense Cooperation |
Oficina de Agricultural Affairs |
U.S. Embajada en Athens, Greece |
U.S. Consulado General en Thessaloniki, Greece |
U.S. Embajada en St. George's, Grenada |
U.S. Embajada en Guatemala City, Guatemala |
U.S. Embajada en Conakry, Guinea |
USAID Mission |
U.S. Embajada en Georgetown, Guyana |
U.S. Embajada en Port-au-Prince, Haiti |
USAID Mission |
U.S. Embajada en Tegucigalpa, Honduras |
USAID Mission |
U.S. Consulado General en Hong Kong |
Commercial Service |
California Oficina de Trade and Investment en Hong Kong |
U.S. Embajada en Budapest, Hungary |
U.S. Embajada en Reykjavik, Iceland |
U.S. Consulado General en Calcutta, India |
U.S. Consulado General en Chennai, India |
U.S. Consulado General en Mumbai, India |
U.S. Embajada en New Delhi, India |
USAID Mission |
U.S. Embajada en Jakarta, Indonesia |
Agricultural Trade Office |
USAID Mission |
U.S. Embajada en Dublin, Ireland |
Defense Attache Office |
U.S. Consulado General en Jerusalem, Israel |
U.S. Embajada en Tel Aviv, Israel |
U.S. Embajada en Roma, Italy - U.S. Consulado General en Florencia, Milan, Napoles, |
AG Trade Oficina de Asuntos Agrícolas |
ODC Oficina de Cooperación en Defensa |
U.S. Embajada en Kingston, Jamaica |
USAID Mission |
U.S. Embajada en Tokyo, Japan U.S. Consulado General en Osaka, Sapporo, Fukuoka, Nagoya, Naha, |
Agricultural Trade Offices |
National Science Foundation Regional Office |
California Oficina de Trade and Investment en Tokyo, Japan |
U.S. Embajada en Amman, Jordan |
U.S. Embajada en Almaty, Kazakhstan |
Commercial Service |
U.S. Embajada en Nairobi, Kenya |
U.S. Embajada en Seoul, Korea (Republic) |
Agricultural Trade Office |
California Oficina de Trade and Investment en Seoul, Korea (Republic) |
U.S. Office en Pristina, Kosovo |
U.S. Embajada en Kuwait City, Kuwait |
U.S. Embajada en Vientiane, Laos |
U.S. Embajada en Riga, Latvia |
U.S. Embajada en Beirut, Lebanon |
U.S. Embajada en Maseru, Lesotho |
U.S. Embajada en Vilnius, Lithuania |
U.S. Embajada en Luxembourg, Luxembourg |
U.S. Embajada en Skopje, Macedonia |
U.S. Embajada en Antananarivo, Madagascar |
USAID Mission |
U.S. Embajada en Lilongwe, Malawi |
U.S. Embajada en Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia |
Commercial Service |
U.S. Embajada en Bamako, Mali |
USAID Mission |
U.S. Embajada en Valletta, Malta |
U.S. Embajada en Majuro, Marshall Islands |
U.S. Embajada en Port Louis, Mauritius |
U.S. Embajada en Mexico City, Mexico - U.S. Consulado General en Guadalajara, Monterrey, Ciudad Juárez, Hermosillo, Tijuana |
California Oficina de Trade and Investment en Mexico City, Mexico |
U.S. Embajada en Kolonia, Micronesia |
U.S. Embajada en Chisinau, Moldova |
U.S. Embajada en Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia |
U.S. Embajada en Rabat, Morocco |
U.S. Embajada en Maputo, Mozambique |
U.S. Embajada en Windhoek, Namibia |
U.S. Embajada en Kathmandu, Nepal |
USAID Mission |
U.S. Embajada en The Hague, Netherlands |
U.S. Consulado General en Auckland, New Zealand |
U.S. Embajada en Wellington, New Zealand |
U.S. Embajada en Managua, Nicaragua |
USAID Mission |
U.S. Embajada en Niamey, Niger |
U.S. Embajada en Lagos, Nigeria |
U.S. Embajada en Oslo, Norway |
U.S. Embajada en Muscat, Oman |
U.S. Embajada en Islamabad, Pakistan |
U.S. Consulado General en Karachi, Pakistan |
U.S. Consulado General en Lahore, Pakistan |
U.S. Consulado en Peshawar, Pakistan |
USAID Mission en Palestine |
U.S. Embajada en Panama City, Panama |
U.S. Embajada en Asuncion, Paraguay |
U.S. Embajada en Lima, Peru |
U.S. Embajada en Manila, Philippines |
Foreign Agricultural Service |
USAID Mission |
U.S. Consulado General en Krakow, Poland |
U.S. Embajada en Warsaw, Poland |
U.S. Embajada en Lisbon, Portugal |
Agricultural Affairs Office |
U.S. Embajada en Doha, Qatar |
U.S. Embajada en Bucharest, Romania |
U.S. Information Office en Cluj, Romania |
U.S. Embajada en Moscow, Russian Federation |
Oficina de Agricultural Affairs |
U.S. Consulado General en St. Petersburg, Russian Federation |
U.S. Consulado General en Vladivostok, Russian Federation |
U.S. Consulado General en Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation |
U.S. Embajada en Kigali, Rwanda |
U.S. Embajada en Riyadh, Saudi Arabia |
U.S. Embajada en Dakar, Senegal |
Commercial Service |
U.S. Embajada en Singapore |
Oficina de Defense Cooperation |
U.S. Embajada en Bratislava, Slovakia |
U.S. Embajada en Ljubljana, Slovenia |
U.S. Embajada en Pretoria, South Africa |
USAID Mission |
California Oficina de Trade and Investment en Johannesburg, South Africa |
U.S. Embajada en Madrid, Spain |
U.S. Embajada en Colombo, Sri Lanka |
U.S. Embajada en Paramaribo, Suriname |
U.S. Embajada en Mbabane, Swaziland |
U.S. Embajada en Stockholm, Sweden |
Commercial Service |
Agricultural Trade Office |
U.S. Embajada en Berne, Switzerland |
U.S. Embajada en Damascus, Syria |
U.S. Embajada en Bangkok, Thailand |
U.S. Embajada en Lome, Togo |
U.S. Embajada en Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago |
U.S. Embajada en Tunis, Tunisia |
U.S. Consulado en Adana, Turkey |
U.S. Embajada en Ankara, Turkey |
Oficina de Agricultural Affairs |
U.S. Consulado General en Istanbul, Turkey |
U.S. Embajada en Ashgabat, Turkmenistan |
U.S. Embajada en Kampala, Uganda |
USAID Mission |
U.S. Embajada en Kiev, Ukraine |
USAID Mission |
U.S. Embajada en Montevideo, Uruguay |
U.S. Embajada en Tashkent, Uzbekistan |
U.S. Mission to the Holy See |
U.S. Embajada en Caracas, Venezuela |
Foreign Agricultural Service |
U.S. Embajada en Hanoi, Vietnam |
U.S. Consulado General en Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam |
U.S. Embajada en Sanaa, Yemen |
U.S. Embajada en Belgrade, Yugoslavia |
U.S. Embajada en Lusaka, Zambia |
USAID Mission |
U.S. Embajada en Harare, Zimbabwe |
U.S. Mission to the European Union en Brussels |
U.S. Misssion to the United Nations en Geneva |
U.S. Misssion to the United Nations en New York |
U.S. Misssion to the United Nations en Vienna |
U.S. Misssion to the United Nations Agencies en Rome |
U.S. Delegation to the United Nations Commission on Human Rights en Geneva |
U.S. Mission to the Organization for Security and Cooperation en Europe en Vienna |
U.S. Mission to the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation en Brussels |
U.S. Mission to the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development en Paris |
Political Parties |
Republican Party |
Democratic Party |
LP Libertarian Party |
Green Party of the United States |
The Greens / Green Party USA |
Reform Party |
International Socialist Organization |
US National Government |
NCSL National Conference of State Legislatures |
NACo National Association of Counties |
Multistate Tax Commission |
Great Lakes Commission |
CPB Corporation for Public Broadcasting |
PBS Public Broadcasting Service |
NPR National Public Radio |
PRI Public Radio International |
Información Política |
The World Factbook (by the CIA) |
US Información General y Referencias |
Estados Unidos de America Información General y Referencias |
Amnistia Internacional Públicaciones |
State Government Digital Information : Minnesota State Archives NDIIPP's Multistate Government Digital Information program for news and events, information on lead partners, and background information. - Minnesota Historical Society State Archives Department 345 Kellogg Boulevard West St. Paul, MN 55102-1906 Fax: 651-296-9961 - Robert Horton, Project Director 651-259-3240 |
Learn how digital applications can be used by government institutions to inform citizens en their local areas. |
Credit Bureau Public records and personal information |
RN - Registro Nacional de Lugares Históricos Registro Histórico Nacional |
Estados Unidos Teléfonos (+1) Buscar Teléfono en US / USA. Directorio de páginas amarillas con numeros telefonicos y direcciones de personas y empresas. Lista de los prefijos por ciudades y estados. |
CIA US Estadísticas de Estados Unidos en el CIA World Factbook. |
Estados Unidos Nacional Información de Estados Unidos - Buscar Consultas y Trámites en Estados Unidos. Buscador de datos y registros públicos. Registro Nacional |
Gobierno de Estados Unidos - Guía de Ministerios, Ministros del Gobierno en Estados Unidos - Sitios Oficiales - Embajadas de Estados Unidos |
Personas en Estados Unidos - Como Buscar Personas de Estados Unidos - Consulta y Trámites del documento de identidad. Busca por nombres, apellidos |
Propiedades en Estados Unidos - Dónde Buscar una Propiedad en Estados Unidos - Propietarios, Catastro, tenencia |
Vehículos en Estados Unidos - Como Registrar Autos y Vehículos de Estados Unidos. Verifica el número de placa, patente o propietario |
Empresas en Estados Unidos - Buscar en el Registro de Empresas en Estados Unidos - Como crear o registrar una empresa en Estados Unidos |
Registro Civil Estados Unidos - Trámites de Registro y Documentos de Identidad en Estados Unidos - Consultas y Certificacion de Nacimientos, Matrimonio, Defuncion. Formularios |
Teléfonos en Estados Unidos - Para Buscar un teléfonos de Estados Unidos - Empresas telefónicas y operadores móviles. Lista de códigos de area |
Gobierno de Estados Unidos - Elecciones 2025 en Estados Unidos - Partidos Políticos y Candidatos. Encuestas y Resultados Electorales |
Tecnología en Estados Unidos - Uso de tecnologías en Estados Unidos, sitios de internet, aplicaciones moviles, y desarrollo de sistemas de información. |
Dónde Votar en Estados Unidos - Consulta dónde votar en las elecciones de Estados Unidos - Verificar documento de identidad y lugar de votación |
Noticias en Estados Unidos - Cuáles son las últimas noticias de Estados Unidos - Novedades, sucesos, eventos en tv, radio, redes sociales y medios de comunicación con noticias de Estados Unidos 2025-02-05 |
Estados Unidos - Datos generales, fuentes de información y referencias adicionales. |
Gobierno de Estados Unidos - Presidencia, Senado, Congreso, Gobierno Federal y Estatal. Secretarías. Ministerios. Agencias / Administraciones Federales y Estatales |
Agencias Agencias del Gobierno de los Estados Unidos. Agencia en EU - Consulta de Trámites y Registro - Guia de consultas, formularios y trámites públicos en Estados Unidos. |
Corte - Cortes de los Estados Unidos de America - Justicia - Consulta y Trámites - Lista de Cortes Federales y Por Distrito |
Estados - Estados Unidos - Registro Nacional - Consulta y Tramites |
Embajada - Embajadas y Consulados de Estados Unidos - Lista de Embajadas de USA. Consulta y Tramites |
Registro Nacional de Lugares Históricos (National Register of Historic Places) RN |
Registro Nacional Estados Unidos Gobierno - Para buscar datos y más información adicional en registros públicos. |