

- Registro Nacional Servicios en Línea
India - Información nacional y servicios en línea. Lista de sitios del gobierno, registros e instituciones públicas, ministerios, teléfonos y direcciones. Guía de consultas y trámites para personas y empresas.
Elecciones en India. Elección General - Elecciones Legislativas en 2019 - Parlamento
GOID Directory of Official Web Sites
Gobierno de India - Idioma Oficial : Hindi, English - en partes del pais: varios idiomas y lenguas nativas
India (Bharat) - Capital - New Delhi
Narendra Modi - Primer Ministro del gobierno de la India busca la reelección en las elecciones generales 2019.
Presidente - Pranab Mukherjee (2017)
Primer Ministro - Narendra Modi (2017)
Narendra Modi - Primer Ministro del gobierno de la India busca la reelección en las elecciones generales 2019.  -
Pranab Mukherjee, Presidente de la República de India (2012)
Manmohan Singh, Primer Ministro de la República de India (2012)
S. M. Krishna, Ministro de Asuntos Exteriores de la República de India (2012)
Instituciones Federales:
President of India
Parliament - Sansad
House of the States - Rajya Sabha
Prime Minister's Office - Pradhan Mantri Karyalaya
Task Force on Infrastructure
National Task Force on Information Technology and Software Development
Economic Advisory Council to the Prime Minister
Prime Minister's Council on Trade and Industry
GoT - Group on Telecommunications
Cabinet Secretariat - Mantrimandal Sachivalaya
DPG - Directorate of Public Grievances
Ministerio de Agricultura - Ministry of Agriculture / Krishi Mantralaya
Department of Agriculture and Co-operation - Krishi aur Sahkarita Vibhag
NHB - National Horticulture Board - Horticultura
CDB - Coconut Development Board
NCDC - National Cooperative Development Corporation - Cooperativa de Desarrollo
DARE - Department of Agricultural Research and Education - Agricultura / Krishi Anusandhan aur Shiksha Vibhag
ICAR - Indian Council of Agricultural Research
NBAGR - National Bureau of Animal Genetic Resources - Genetica Animal
NBPGR - National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources - Genetica Vegetal
IASRI - Indian Agricultural Statistics Research Institute
NIRJAFT - National Institute of Research on Jute and Allied Fibre Technology
CIAE - Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering - Agricultura
CIBA - Central Institute of Brackishwater Aquaculture - Acuacultura
CIRG - Central Institute for Research on Goats - Cabras
CPCRI - Central Plantation Crops Research Institute
NCAP - National Centre for Agricultural Economics and Policy Research
NRCAF - National Research Centre for Agroforestry
NRCC - National Research Centre on Camel
NRCC - National Research Centre for Cashew
NRCCWF - National Research Centre on Coldwater Fisheries
NRCE - National Research Centre on Equines- Equinos
NRCOP - National Research Centre for Oil Palm - Palma Aceitera
NRCOG - National Research Centre for Onion and Garlic - Ajo y Cebolla
NRCYAK - National Research Centre on Yak
Department of Food Processing Industries - Industrias de Proceso / Khadya Prasanskaran Udyog Vibhag
Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers / Rasayan aur Urvarak Mantralaya
Department of Chemicals and Petrochemicals - Rasayan aur Petro-Rasayan Vibhag
NPPA - National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority
NIPER - National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research
CIPET - Central Institute of Plastics Engineering and Technology
Department of Fertilizers - Urvarak Vibhag
Ministry of Civil Aviation - Nagar Vimanan Mantralaya
DGCA - Directorate General of Civil Aviation
COAL - Ministry of Coal - Koyala Mantralya
Commin - Ministry of Commerce and Industry - Vanijya aur Udyog Mantralaya
Department of Commerce - Vanijya Vibhag
DGFT - Directorate General of Foreign Trade
APEDA - Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority
MPEDA - Marine Products Export Development Authority
IIFT - Indian Institute of Foreign Trade
IIP - Indian Institute of Packaging
NCTI - National Centre for Trade Information
ITPO - India Trade Promotion Organisation
Coffee Board of India
Rubber Board
Spices Board of India
Tea Board of India
Tobacco Board
ICA - Indian Council of Arbitration
OCCI - Overseas Construction Council of India
CEPC - Cashew Export Promotion Council of India
EEPC - Engineering Export Promotion Council
CHEMEXCIL - Basic Chemicals, Pharmaceuticals and Cosmetics Export Promotion Council
CAPEXIL - Chemicals and Allied Products Export Promotion Council
PLEXCONCIL - Plastics and Linoleums Export Promotion Council
GJEPC - Gem and Jewellery Export Promotion Council
SGEPC - Sports Goods Export Promotion Council
CLE - Council for Leather Exports
Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion / Audyogik Niti aur Samvardhan Vibhag
Department of Explosives
SIA - Secretariat for Industrial Assistance
OEA - Office of the Economic Adviser
TC - Tariff Commission
DID - Department of Industrial Development / Audyogik Vikas Vibhag
IP - Office of the Controller General of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks
NPC - National Productivity Council
QCI - Quality Council of India
NCB - National Council for Cement and Building Materials
DOS - Department of Supply / Poorti Vibhag
DGSND - Directorate General of Supplies and Disposals
DQA Bangalore - Directorate of Quality Assurance
DQA Hyderabad - Directorate of Quality Assurance
Ministry of Communications / Sanchar Mantralaya
Department of Posts - Dak Vibhag
DoT - Department of Telecommunications / Doorsanchar Vibhag
TEC - Telecommunication Engineering Centre
C-DOT - Centre for Development of Telemetics
TRAI - Telecom Regulatory Authority of India
Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution - Upbhokta Mamle, Khadya aur Sarvajanik Vitaran Mantralaya
Department of Consumer Affairs / Upbhokta Mamle Vibhag
BIS - Bureau of Indian Standards
Department of Food and Public Distribution / Khadya aur Sarvajanik Vitaran Vibhag
FCI - Food Corporation of India
CWC - Central Warehousing Corporation
Ministry of Defence - Ministerio de Defensa / Raksha Mantralaya
Department of Defence / Raksha Vibhag
Indian Armed Forces
Department of Defence Research and Development (DDR&D) / Raksha Anusandhan aur Vikas Vibhag
DRDO - Defence Research and Development Organisation
CAIR - Centre for Artificial Intelligence and Robotics
Department of Defence Production and Supplies (DDP&S) / Raksha Utpadan aur Poorti Vibhag
OFB - Ordnance Factory Board
DGR - Directorate General of Resettlement
IDSA - Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses
CGDA - Controller General of Defence Accounts
Pensions - Principal Controller of Defence Accounts
Officers - Controller of Defence Accounts
Navy - Controller of Defence Accounts
Ministry of Disinvestment - Vinivesh Mantralaya
Ministry of Environment and Forests - Paryavaran aur Van Mantralaya
NRCD - National River Conservation Directorate
WII - Wildlife Institute of India
CZA - Central Zoo Authority
ZSI - Zoological Survey of India
BSI - Botanical Survey of India
CPCB - Central Pollution Control Board
MEA - Ministry of Asuntos Exteriores / Videsh Mantralaya
Consular, Passport and Visa Division
Regional Passport Office, Bangalore
Regional Passport Office, Chandigarh
Regional Passport Office, Chennai
Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR)
High Level Committee on Indian Diaspora
Ministry of Finance and Company Affairs / Vitta aur Kampany Karya Mantralaya
DCA - Department of Company Affairs - Kampany Karya Vibhag
Registrar of Companies, Pune
Department of Economic Affairs / Arthik Karya Vibhag
IIC - Indian Investment Centre
Department of Expenditure / Vyaya Vibhag
CPAO - Central Pension Accounting Office
CGA - Controller General of Accounts
Expenditure Reforms Commission
Department of Revenue / Rajaswa Vibhag
Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT)
Income Tax Department, Delhi
Income Tax Department, Gujarat Region
Income Tax Department, Kanpur
Income Tax Department, Karnataka, Goa Region
Income Tax Department, Mumbai
Income Tax Department, Pune Region
Income Tax Department, Rajasthan Region
CBEC - Central Board of Excise and Customs
Directorate General of Service Tax
Directorate General of Valuation
Customs Commissionerate, Calcutta
Central Excise and Customs Commissionerate, Calicut
Central Excise Commissionerate, Chandigarh-I
Customs Chief Commissionerate, Chennai
Customs Commissionerate, Cochin
Central Excise and Customs Chief Commissionerate, Gujarat Zone
Customs and Central Excise Commissionerate, Nagpur
Central Excise and Customs Chief Commissionerate, Pune
Central Excise and Customs Commissionerate, Vadodara
CEIB - Central Economic Intelligence Bureau
CBN - Central Bureau of Narcotics
SEBI - Securities and Exchange Board of India
MOHFW - Ministry of Health and Family Welfare - Swasthya aur Parivar Kalyan Mantralaya
Department of Health / Swasthya Vibhag
ICMR - Indian Council of Medical Research
NBE - National Board of Examinations
NACO - National AIDS Control Organisation
AIIPMR - All India Institute of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
DISM&H - Department of Indian Systems of Medicine and Homoeopathy / Bhartiya Chikitsa Paddhati aur Homoeopathy Vibhag
CCRAS - Central Council for Research en Ayurveda and Siddha
CCRH - Central Council for Research en Homoeopathy
CCRUM - Central Council for Research en Unani Medicine
CCRYN - Central Council for Research en Yoga and Naturopathy
NIHFW - National Institute of Health and Family Welfare
Ministry of Heavy Industries and Public Enterprises / Bhari Udyog aur Lok Udyam Mantralaya
DHI - Department of Heavy Industry / Bhari Udyog Vibhag
DPE - Department of Public Enterprises / Lok Udyam Vibhag
FCRI - Fluid Control Research Institute
MHA - Ministry of Home Affairs / Grih Mantralaya
Department of Home / Grih Vibhag
Office of the Registrar General and Census Commissioner
Department of Internal Security / Antarik Suraksha Vibhag
BSF - Border Security Force
ITBP - Indo Tibetan Border Police
CRPF - Central Reserve Police Force
CISF - Central Industrial Security Force
NCRB - National Crime Records Bureau
BPR&D - Bureau of Police Research and Development
DOL - Department of Language - Raj Bhasha Vibhag
Department of States / Rajya Vibhag
NEC - North Eastern Council
Ministry of Human Resource Development / Manav Sansadhan Vikas Mantralaya
Department of Education - Shiksha Vibhag
Bureau of Elementary Education
NCTE - National Council for Teacher Education
Bureau of Secondary Education
CBSE - Central Board of Secondary Education
NCERT - National Council for Educational Research and Training
KVS - Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan
CIET - Central Institute of Educational Technology
Bureau of University and Higher Education
ICSSR - Indian Council of Social Science Research
ICPR - Indian Council of Philosophical Research
UGC - University Grants Commission
Bureau of Technical Education
AICTE - All India Council for Technical Education
Bureau of Languages
Central Hindi Directorate
CIIL - Central Institute of Indian Languages
National Council for Promotion of Urdu Language
CSTT - Commission of Scientific and Technical Terminology
Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan
Bureau of Planning
NIEPA - National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration
NBT - National Book Trust of India
WCD - Department of Women and Child Development / Mahila aur Bal Vikas Vibhag
CSWB - Central Social Welfare Board
NIPCCD - National Institute of Public Cooperation and Child Development
RMK - Rashtriya Mahila Kosh
MIB - Ministry of Information and Broadcasting / Soochana aur Prasaran Mantralaya
DFF - Directorate of Film Festivals
DFP - Directorate of Field Publicity
PIB - Press Information Bureau
FD - Films Division
PD - Publications Division
RR&TD - Research, Reference and Training Division
S&DD - Song and Drama Division
RNI - Office of the Registrar of Newspapers for India
Broadcasting Corporation of India / Prasar Bharati
AIR - All India Radio
DD - Doordarshan
PCI - Press Council of India
MIT - Ministry of Information Technology / Soochana Praudikiki Mantralaya
Electronic Governance Division
NIC - National Informatics Centre
NCST - National Center for Software Technology
C-DAC - Centre for Development of Advanced Computing
C-MET - Centre for Materials for Electronics Technology
CEDTI - Centre for Electronics Design and Technology of India
ESC - Electronics and Computer Software Export Promotion Council
Working Group on Information Technology for Masses
Ministry of Labour - Shram Mantralaya
Labour Bureau
DGE&T - Directorate General of Employment and Training
Women Training Directorate
DGFASLI - Directorate General of Factory Advice Service and Labour Institutes
DGMS - Directorate General of Mines Safety
Ministry of Law and Justice - Vidhi aur Nyaya Mantralaya
Department of Justice / Nyaya Vibhag
First National Judicial Pay Commission
Department of Legal Affairs / Vidhi Karya Vibhag
Law Commission of India
National Commission to Review the Working of the Constitution
Ministry of Mines - Khan Mantralaya
IBM - Indian Bureau of Mines
GSI - Geological Survey of India
Ministry of Non-conventional Energy Sources - Aparamparik Oorja Srota Mantralaya
Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs - Sansadiya Karya Mantralaya
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions - Karmik, Lok Shikayat tatha Pension Mantralaya
Department of Personnel and Training (DPT) / Karmik aur Prashikshan Vibhag
CBI - Central Bureau of Investigation
PESB - Public Enterprises Selection Board
SSC - Staff Selection Commission
Eastern Regional Office
DARPG - Department of Adminstrative Reforms and Public Grievances / Prashasanik Sudhar aur Lok Shikayat Vibhag
Department of Pensions and Pensioners Welfare / Pension aur Pension Bhogi Kalyan Vibhag
Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas / Petroleum aur Prakritik Gas Mantralaya
DGH - Directorate General of Hydrocarbons
Ministry of Power / Vidyut Mantralaya
CERC - Central Electricity Regulatory Commission
Ministry of Railways / Rail Mantralaya
RRB - Railway Recruitment Board
Ministry of Rural Development / Gramin Vikas Mantralaya
Department of Rural Development / Gramin Vikas Vibhag
NIRD - National Institute of Rural Development
CAPART - Council for Advancement of People's Action and Rural Technology
MST - Ministry of Science and Technology - Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnologia / Vigyan aur Praudyogiki Mantralaya
DST - Department of Science and Technology / Vigyan aur Praudyogiki Vibhag
IMD - India Meteorological Department
IITM - Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology
NCMRWF - National Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasting
Positional Astronomy Centre
Regional Meteorological Centre Calcutta
Regional Meteorological Centre Chennai
Regional Meteorological Centre Mumbai
ARI - Agharkar Research Institute
TDB - Technology Development Board
NSTEDB - National Science and Technology Entrepreneurship Development Board
SERC - Science and Engineering Research Council
TIFAC - Technology Information, Forecasting and Assessment Council
PFC - Patent Facilitating Centre
Vigyan Prasar
DSIR - Department of Scientific and Industrial Research / Vigyan aur Audyogik Anusandhan Vibhag
CSIR - Council of Scientific and Industrial Research
IICT - Indian Institute of Chemical Technology
IIP - Indian Institute of Petroleum
NIO - National Institute of Oceanography
NBRI - National Botanical Research Institute
NGRI - National Geophysical Research Institute
NISCOM - National Institute of Science Communication
CEERI - Central Electronics Engineering Research Institute
CMERI - Central Mechanical Engineering Research Institute
CECRI - Central Electrochemical Research Institute
CBRI - Central Building Research Institute
CDRI - Central Drug Research Institute
IHBT - Institute of Himalayan Bioresource Technology
IMTECH - Institute of Microbial Technology
NCL - National Chemical Laboratory
NAL - National Aerospace Laboratories
CBT - Centre for Biochemical Technology
CCMB - Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology
C-MMACS - Centre for Mathematical Modelling and Computer Simulation
ITRC - Industrial Toxicology Research Centre
CDC - Consultancy Development Centre
NRDC - National Research Development Corporation
DBT - Department of Biotechnology / Biotechnology Vibhag
NII - National Institute of Immunology
NBRC - National Brain Research Centre
CDFD - Centre for DNA Fingerprinting and Diagnostics
SSI Ministry of Small Scale Industries and Agro and Rural Industries - Laghu Udyog aur Krishi Evam Gramin Udyog Mantralaya
SIDO - Small Industries Development Organisation
KVIC - Khadi and Village Industries Commission
Coir Board
NSIC - National Small Industries Corporation
Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment / Samajik Nyaya aur Adhikarita Mantralaya
Chief Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities
CARA - Central Adoption Resource Agency
NIOH - National Institute for the Orthopaedically Handicapped
NIMH - National Institute for the Mentally Handicapped
RCI - Rehabilitation Council of India
NCM - National Commission for Minorities
NBCFDC - National Backward Classes Finance and Development Corporation
NMDFC - National Minorities Development and Finance Corporation
NSKFDC - National Safai Karamcharis Finance and Development Corporation
Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation / Sankhyiki aur Karyakram Karyanayan Mantralaya
Ministry of Steel / Ispat Mantralaya
DCI&S - Office of the Development Commissioner for Iron and Steel
Regional Development Commissioner for Iron and Steel, Calcutta
MOST - Ministry of Surface Transport / Jal Bhootal Parivahan Mantralaya
Department of Road Transport and Highways / Sarak Parivahan aur Raj Marg Vibhag
NHAI - Office of the Development Commissioner for Iron and Steel
Department of Shipping / Pot Parivahan Vibhag
Directorate General of Shipping
IWAI - Inland Waterways Authority of India
Ministry of Textiles / Vastra Mantralaya
Office of the Jute Commissioner
Office of the Development Commissioner for Handicrafts
Office of the Development Commissioner for Handlooms
NIFT - National Institute of Fashion Technology
NCJD - National Centre for Jute Diversification
Central Silk Board
Textiles Committee
JMDC - Jute Manufactures Development Council
AEPC - Apparel Export Promotion Council
CEPC - Carpet Export Promotion Council
TEXPROCIL - Cotton Textiles Export Promotion Council
EPCH - Export Promotion Council for Handicrafts
HEPC - Handloom Export Promotion Council
PDEXCIL - Powerloom Development and Export Promotion Council
ISEPC - Indian Silk Export Promotion Council
SRTEPC - Synthetic and Rayon Textile Export Promotion Council
Ministry of Tourism and Culture / Paryatan aur Sanskriti Mantralaya
Department of Culture / Sanskriti Vibhag
AnSI - Anthropological Survey of India
ASI - Archaeological Survey of India
NCSM - National Council of Science Museums
NAI - National Archives of India
NCF - National Culture Fund
NRLC - National Research Laboratory for Conservation of Cultural Property
IGNCA - Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts
Department of Tourism / Paryatan Vibhag
Regional Tourist Office (East and North-East)
India Convention Promotion Bureau
Ministry of Tribal Affairs / Janjati Karya Mantralaya
Ministry of Urban Development and Poverty Alleviation / Shahari Vikas aur Garibi Upshaman Mantralaya
Department of Urban Development / Shahari Vikas Vibhag
CPWD - Central Public Works Department
Directorate of Estates
Office of the Assistant Estate Manager, Chennai
Delhi Development Authority
Department of Urban Employment and Poverty Alleviation / Shahari Rozgar aur Garibi Upshaman Vibhag
BMTPC - Building Materials and Technology Promotion Council
HUDCO - Housing and Urban Development Corporation
NIUA - National Institute of Urban Affairs
CGEWHO - Central Government Employees Welfare Housing Organisation
Ministry of Water Resources / Jal Sansadhan Mantralaya
CGWA - Central Ground Water Authority
CWC - Central Water Commission
NIH - National Institute of Hydrology
Hard Rock Regional Centre
NCA - Narmada Control Authority
Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports / Yuvak Karyakram aur Khel Mantralaya
DAE - Department of Atomic Energy / Parmanu Oorja Vibhag
AERB - Atomic Energy Regulatory Board
HWB - Heavy Water Board
IPR - Institute for Plasma Research
BARC - Bhabha Atomic Research Centre
IGCAR - Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research
CAT - Centre for Advanced Technology
VECC - Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre
DOD - Department of Ocean Development / Mahasagar Vikas Vibhag
NIOT - National Institute of Ocean Technology
NCAOR - National Centre for Antarctic and Ocean Research
INCOIS - Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services
Department of Space / Antariksh Vibhag
ISRO - Indian Space Research Organisation
NRSA - National Remote Sensing Agency
PRL - Physical Research Laboratory
Planning Commission / Yojana Ayog
National Commission on Population
UPSC - Union Public Service Commission
CVC - Central Vigilance Commission
NC SC ST - National Commission for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes
NHRC - National Human Rights Commission
Election Commission of India
Office of the Chief Electoral Officer, Uttar Pradesh
CAG - Comptroller and Auditor General of India
Supreme Court of India
State Institutions:
Andaman and Nicobar Islands (Union Territory)
Administration of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands
Andhra Pradesh
Legislative Assembly
State Government
Civil Supplies Department
Research and Monitoring Wing for Essential Commodities
Forest Department
Department of Information Technology and Communications
Department of Registration and Stamps
Roads and Buildings Department
Social Welfare Department
Directorate of Economics and Statistics
Commissionerate of Industries
Environment Protection Training and Research Institute
Hyderabad Urban Development Authority
Andhra Pradesh Pollution Control Board
Andhra Pradesh Tourism Development Corporation
Arunachal Pradesh
State Government
Tourism Department
State Government
Assam Police
State Government
Finance Department
Minor Irrigation Department
Chandigarh (Union Territory)
Administration of Chandigarh
Chandigarh Police
Chandigarh Industrial and Tourism Development Corporation
State Government
Finance Department
Jail Department
High Court of Chhattisgarh
Daman and Diu (Union Territory)
Administration of Daman and Diu
Delhi (National Capital Territory)
Gobierno de Delhi
Sales Tax Department
Department of Police
Delhi Commission for Women
Taskforce for Formulating Information Technology Policy
Delhi Tourism and Transportation Development Corporation
State Government
Directorate of Industries and Mines
Department of Tourism
Goa Tourism Development Corporation
Goa Industrial Development Corporation
State Government
General Administration Department
NRI Division
Industries and Mines Department
Industrial Extension Bureau
Gujarat Infrastructure Development Board
Gujarat State Financial Corporation
Gujarat Industrial Development Corporation
Gujarat Industrial Investment Corporation
Information, Broadcasting and Tourism Department
Tourism Corporation of Gujarat
Panchayat, Rural Housing and Rural Development Department
State Government
Department of Prohibition, Excise and Taxation
Haryana Urban Development Authority
Haryana State Legal Services Authority
Haryana Tourism
Haryana Housing Board
Haryana Electricity Regulatory Commission
Haryana State Industrial Development Corporation
Himachal Pradesh
Legislative Assembly / Vidhan Sabha
State Government
Department of Excise and Taxation
Industries Department
Department of Labour and Employment
Foreign Employment and Manpower Export Bureau
Law Department
Panchyati Raj Department
Rural Development Department
Department of Science, Technology and Environment
Energy Development Agency
Department of Tourism and Civil Aviation
Himachal Pradesh Police
State Pollution Control Board
Himachal Pradesh State Industrial Development Corporation
Himachal Pradesh Tourism Development Corporation
Jammu and Kashmir
State Government
Jammu and Kashmir Tourism Development Corporation
State Government
Karnataka Legislature
Department of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Services
Commercial Taxes Department
Department of Industries and Commerce
Directorate of Industries and Commerce
Department of Medical Education
Department of Mines and Geology
Department of Public Instruction
Department of Rural Development and Panchayat Raj
Zilla Panchayat Shimoga
Department of Tourism
Karnataka State Tourism Development Corporation
Directorate of Information Technology
Karnataka State Police
Inspector General of Registration and Commissioner of Stamps
Karnataka Electricity Regulatory Commission
High Court of Karnataka
State Government
Department of General Education
Home Department
Kerala Police
Department of Industries
Public Sector Restructuring and Internal Audit Board
Kerala State Industrial Development Corporation
Kerala Industrial Infrastructure Development Corporation
Handicrafts Development Corporation of Kerala
Kerala Financial Corporation
Department of Information Technology
Department of Non-Resident Keralites Affairs
Department of Tourism
Kerala Tourism Development Corporation
Office of the Commissioner for Entrance Examinations
Kerala Water Authority
Kerala Livestock Development Board
Kerala State Council for Child Welfare
CDIT - Centre for Development of Imaging Technology
State Election Commission
High Court of Kerala
Lakshadweep (Union Territory)
Administration of Lakshadweep
Madhya Pradesh
State Government - MP
Department of Agriculture
Department of Commercial Taxes
Forest Department
Department of Health and Family Welfare
COHIS - Directorate of Health Services
Department of Industries
Cedmap - Centre for Entrepreneurship Development Madhya Pradesh
Manpower Planning Department
DTemp - Directorate of Technical Education
Department of Planning, Economics and Statistics
Directorate of Economics and Statistics
Public Works Department
Department of Public Relations
Department of Science and Technology
Madhya Pradesh Council of Science and Technology
Department of Social Welfare
Tribal Development Department
Madhya Pradesh Police
Narmada Valley Development Authority
Madhya Pradesh State Tourism Development Corporation
Madhya Pradesh Financial Corporation
MPUVN - Madhya Pradesh Urja Vikas Nigam
State Task Force on Information Technology
State Government
Finance Department
Forest Department
Wildlife - Vidarbha - Conservator of Forests
Higher and Technical Education Department
Directorate of Technical Education
Public Works Department
Regional Transport Office, Pune
Food and Drug Administration
Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development Authority
Maharashtra Tourism Development Corporation
Maharashtra Industrial Development Corporation
Nagpur District Collectorate
Manipur Urban Development Agency
State Government
State Government
State Government
Nagaland Tourism
State Government
Department of Commercial Taxes
General Administration Department
Directorate of Vigilance
Health and Family Welfare Department
Industries Department
Directorate of Industries
Directorate of Technical Education and Training
Orissa Tourism
Orissa Electricity Regulatory Commission
Orissa State Financial Corporation
Pondicherry (Union Territory)
Gobierno de Pondicherry
Department of Tourism
State Government
Department of Animal Husbandry
Department of Employment
Overseas Employment Cell
Department of Technical Education and Industrial Training
Punjab Police
Punjab Urban Planning and Development Authority
Anandpur Sahib Urban Planning and Development Authority
Punjab School Education Board
Punjab State Agricultural Marketing Board
Punjab Tourism Development Corporation
Tourism Development Corporation of Punjab
Punjab Small Industries and Exports Corporation
Rajasthan Legislative Assembly
State Government
Commercial Taxes Department
Election Department
Department of Energy
Department of Irrigation
Department of Mines and Geology
Department of Science and Technology
Rajasthan Housing Board
Rajasthan State Agricultural Marketing Board
Rajasthan State Industrial Development and Investment Corporation
Centre for Development of Stones
State Government
Department of Animal Husbandary and Veterinary Services
Department of Home
Tamil Nadu
Legislative Assembly
State Government
Agriculture Department
Commercial Taxes Department
Forensic Sciences Department
Registration Department
Directorate of Small Savings
Tamil Nadu Industrial Guidance and Export Promotion Bureau
Tamil Nadu Water Supply and Drainage Board
Tamil Nadu Khadi and Village Industries Board
Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission
Tamil Nadu State Finance Commission
Tamil Nadu Medical Services Corporation
Tamil Nadu Corporation for Development of Women
Tamil Nadu Industrial Development Corporation
Tamil Nadu Corporation for Industrial Infrastructure Development
Tamil Nadu Tourism Development Corporation
State Government
Directorate of Handloom, Handicrafts and Sericulture
Legislative Assembly / Vidhan Sabha
Uttar Pradesh
State Government
Chief Minister Office
Department of Appointment and Personnel
Cooperative Department
Finance Department
Department of Forests
Department of Handicapped Welfare
Department of Heavy Industries
Directorate of Geology and Mining
Home Department
Industrial Development Department
Department of Information and Public Relations
Police Department
Department of Rural Development
Transport Department
Vigilance Department
Uttar Pradesh Housing and Development Board
Uttar Pradesh Tourism
Lucknow Development Authority
Greater Noida Industrial Development Authority
Uttar Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission
Uttar Pradesh Financial Corporation
West Bengal
State Government
Department of Commerce and Industries
West Bengal Industrial Development Corporation
Department of Environment
West Bengal Pollution Control Board
Department of Finance
Directorate of Commercial Tax
Department of Forests
Wildlife Wing
Department of Higher Education
Department of Power
Department of Tourism
West Bengal Tourism
Water Investigation and Development Department
Asansol Durgapur Development Authority
Municipal Institutions:
District of Almora
District of Banda
District of Calicut
District of Chamoli
District of East Siang
District of Etawah
District of Faridabad
District of Fatehgarh Sahib
District of Hassan
District of Idukki
District of Kandhamal
District of Kannur
District of Khordha
District of Mahendragarh
District of Meerut
District of Nagaon
District of Nainital
District of Panchkula
District of Raebareli
District of Rewari
District of Udhampur
District of West Tripura
District of Yamunanagar
Bilaspur Police
Calcutta Police
Chennai City Police
Mumbai Police
Trivandrum City Police
Embajadas y Consulados
Embajada de India en Abu Dhabi, Arab Emirates
Consulado General de India en Dubai, Arab Emirates
Gobierno de India Tourist Office en Dubai, Arab Emirates
Embajada de India en Buenos Aires, Argentina
Gobierno de India Tourist Office en Sydney, Australia
Embajada de India en Bahrain
Embajada de India en Brussels, Belgium
High Commission of India en Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei
High Commission of India en Ottawa, Canada
Consulado General de India en Vancouver, Canada
Embajada de India en Beijing, China - (People's Republic)
Consulado General de India en Shanghai, China - (People's Republic)
Embajada de India en Zagreb, Croatia
Embajada de India en Havana, Cuba
Embajada de India en Copenhagen, Denmark
Embajada de India en Cairo, Egypt
Embajada de India en Paris, France
Embajada de India en Berlin, Germany
Indian Cultural Centre
Consulado General de India en Frankfurt, Germany
Gobierno de India Tourist Office en Frankfurt, Germany
High Commission of India en London, Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Gobierno de India Tourist Office en London, Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Consulado General de India en Hong Kong
Embajada de India en Budapest, Hungary
Embajada de India en Jakarta, Indonesia
Embajada de India en Tehran, Iran
Embajada de India en Tokyo, Japan
Gobierno de India Tourist Office en Tokyo, Japan
High Commission of India en Nairobi, Kenya
Embajada de India en Port Louis, Mauritius
Embajada de India en Kathmandu, Nepal
Embajada de India en Muscat, Oman
Embajada de India en Lima, Peru
Embajada de India en Doha, Qatar
Embajada de India en Moscow, Russian Federation
Jawaharlal Nehru Cultural Centre
Consulado General de India en Jeddah, Saudia Arabia
High Commission of India en Mahe, Seychelles
High Commission of India en Singapore
Embajada de India en Bratislava, Slovakia
Consulado General de India en Johannesburg, South Africa
Embajada de India en Madrid, Spain
High Commission of India en Colombo, Sri Lanka
Embajada de India en Stockholm, Sweden
High Commission of India en Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Embajada de India en Bangkok, Thailand
Embajada de India en Ankara, Turkey
Consulado General de India en Chicago, United States of America
Consulado General de India en New York, United States of America
Gobierno de India Tourist Office en New York, United States of America
Consulado General de India en San Francisco, United States of America
Embajada de India en Washington, United States of America
Embajada de India en Caracas, Venezuela
Permanent Mission of India to the United Nations en New York
Politica y Elecciones
BJP - Bharatiya Janata Party - Indian People's Party
BJP Gujarat
BJP Haryana
BJP Maharashtra
INC - Indian National Congress
CPI M - Communist Party of India (Marxist)
Telugu Desam Party
Samajwadi Party
BSP - Bahujan Samaj Party
DMK - Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam
Trinamool Congress
CPI - Communist Party of India
TMC - Tamil Maanila Congress
MDMK - Marumalarchi Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam
SAD - Shiromani Akali Dal
CPI ML - Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist)
SDF - Sikkim Democratic Front
Indian National Green Party
Humanist Party of India
CGPI - Communist Ghadar Party of India
Goa Su-Raj Party
VIP - Victory of India Party
Deepam Party
Party of Mughalstan - HeM Hezb-e-Mughalstan
JKLF - Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front
RPF - Revolutionary People's Front, Manipur
TPDF - Tripura Peoples' Democratic Front
India Elecciones, Parlamento - Eleccion General - Elecciones Legislativas en 2019
India Telefonos - Busquedas de Telefonos por Nombre y Apellidos. Directorio de páginas amarillas y blancas con numeros telefonicos y direcciones de personas y empresas. Dónde buscar numeros de telefonos? Tambien contiene una lista de los prefijos por ciudades y provincias.
Una ola de calor en India deja 1150 muertos por temperaturas que registran hasta 50 grados centigrados al inicio junio 2015
+ 91 / India / IN / IND / India / Telephones Indian

País : India
(+91) Código Telefónico
(IN). Código Internet
(IND) Código ISO Internacional
Teléfonos en India Guía para buscar un teléfono celular en India. Lista de códigos para llamadas telefónicas, whatsapp y mensajes SMS. IND. Directorio de páginas blancas y páginas amarillas para encontrar direcciones de personas y empresas.
India : Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Chandigarh, Dadra and Nagar Haveli, Delhi, Gujarat, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, Kerala, Lakshadweep, Maharashtra, Manipur, Meghalaya, Karnataka, Nagaland, Orissa, Puducherry, Punjab, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Tripura, West Bengal, Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Daman and Diu, Goa, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Uttarakhand
India Nacional Información de India - Buscar Consultas y Trámites en India. Buscador de datos y registros públicos. Registro Nacional
Gobierno de India - Guía de Ministerios, Ministros del Gobierno en India - Sitios Oficiales - Embajadas de India
Personas en India - Como Buscar Personas de India - Consulta y Trámites del documento de identidad. Busca por nombres, apellidos
Propiedades en India - Dónde Buscar una Propiedad en India - Propietarios, Catastro, tenencia
Vehículos en India - Como Registrar Autos y Vehículos de India. Verifica el número de placa, patente o propietario
Empresas en India - Buscar en el Registro de Empresas en India - Como crear o registrar una empresa en India
Registro Civil India - Trámites de Registro y Documentos de Identidad en India - Consultas y Certificacion de Nacimientos, Matrimonio, Defuncion. Formularios
Teléfonos en India - Para Buscar un teléfonos de India - Empresas telefónicas y operadores móviles. Lista de códigos de area
Gobierno de India - Elecciones 2025 en India - Partidos Políticos y Candidatos. Encuestas y Resultados Electorales
Tecnología en India - Uso de tecnologías en India, sitios de internet, aplicaciones moviles, y desarrollo de sistemas de información.
Dónde Votar en India - Consulta dónde votar en las elecciones de India - Verificar documento de identidad y lugar de votación
Noticias en India - Cuáles son las últimas noticias de India - Novedades, sucesos, eventos en tv, radio, redes sociales y medios de comunicación con noticias de India 2025-02-17
India - Datos generales, fuentes de información y referencias adicionales.

Registro Nacional India 2025

La India anuncia reglas de ley de ciudadanía que excluye a musulmanes The Associated Press
ASIA/INDIA - Los líderes de la sociedad civil: “No” al Registro nacional de la población Agenzia Fides
Ley de Enmienda de Ciudadanía de India crea gran grupo de exclusión Global Voices en español
Leyes de ciudadanía y subjetividades transgénero en la nueva India Open Global Rights

En el registro de personas puede buscar datos de identificación, nombres y apellidos. Cómo buscar una persona? En el registro civil también puede solicitar certificaciones de nacimiento, matrimonio y defunción. En las redes sociales y otros sitios de internet con registros públicos puede encontrar información adicional para encontrar una persona.
Conoce cómo buscar datos de personas por país. Guía para encontrar información de personas por nombre, apellidos, país, ubicación, redes sociales, teléfono y otros documentos de identificación.
Registros por país.
Encuentra los registros públicos y la lista de sitios con consultas de datos disponible en cada país.

Lista de países con registros públicos, instituciones nacionales, entidades, gobierno, sitios de datos abiertos y transparencia institucional con mayor información adicional.