Malaysia |
Malasia- Registro Nacional Servicios en Línea |
Malaysia - Información nacional y servicios en línea. Lista de sitios del gobierno, registros e instituciones públicas, ministerios, teléfonos y direcciones. Guía de consultas y trámites para personas y empresas. |
Gobierno de Malasia |
Malasia - (Malaysia) - Gobierno Nacional e Instituciones Malayas. Idioma Oficial : Malay |
Malasia (Malaysia) |
Malaysia - Capital : Kuala Lumpur |
Rey : King-Abdul Halim Mu'adzam Shah (2017) |
Primer Ministro - Najib Razak (2017) |
Su Majestad : Almu'tasimu Billahi Muhibbuddin Tuanku Alhaj Abdul Halim (2012) |
Mu'adzam Shah ibni Almarhum Sultan Badlishah - The Yang di-Pertuan Agong de Malaysia XIV (2012) |
Dato’ Sri Mohd Najib bin Tun Haji Abdul Razak, Primer Ministro de Malaysia (2012) |
Dato Sri Anifah Aman, Ministro de Asuntos Exteriores de Malaysia (2012) |
Malaysian Civil Service Link |
Instituciones Federales: |
Parlimen Malaysia - Parliament of Malaysia - Parlamento |
Jabatan Perdana Menteri - Prime Minister's Office - Oficina del Primer Ministro |
JPA Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam - Public Service Department |
JP Jabatan Perangkaan - Department of Statistics - Estadisticas |
JAKIM Jabatan Kemajuan Islam - Department of Islamic Development |
BPR Badan Pencegah Rasuah - Anti-Corruption Agency |
Economic Planning Unit |
Malaysian Administrative Modernisation and Management Planning Unit |
SPA Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Awam - Public Services Commission |
SPP Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Pendidikan - Education Service Commission |
SPR Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya - Election Commission - Comision de Elecciones |
MTEN Majlis Tindakan Ekonomik Negara - National Economic Action Council |
Kementerian Pertanian - Ministry of Agriculture - Ministerio de Agricultura |
Jabatan Pertanian - Department of Agriculture - Agricultura |
Jabatan Perikanan - Department of Fisheries - Pesca |
JPS Jabatan Pengairan dan Saliran - Department of Irrigation and Drainage - Irrigacion y Drenaje |
JPH Jabatan Perkhidmatan Haiwan - Department of Veterinary Services - Servicios Veterinarios |
Lembaga Pemasaran Pertanian Persekutuan - Federal Agricultural Marketing Authority - Mercadeo de la Agricultura |
Fisheries Development Authority of Malaysia |
Kemubu Agricultural Development Authority |
Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute |
Fisheries Research Institutes |
National Hydraulic Research Institute of Malaysia |
Farmers Organization Authority |
Pepper Marketing Board |
Kementerian Kebudayaan, Kesenian dan Pelancongan - Ministry of Culture, Arts and Tourism |
Tourism Malaysia |
Arkib Negara Malaysia - National Archives of Malaysia |
Kementerian Pertahanan - Ministry of Defence |
Kementerian Perdagangan Dalam Negeri dan Hal Ehwal Pengguna - Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs |
Pasukan Petugas Anti Dadah - Anti Narcotics Task Force |
Kementerian Pendidikan - Ministry of Education |
DBP Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka - Institute of Language and Literature |
KTKM Kementerian Tenaga, Komunikasi dan Multimedia - Ministry of Energy, Communications and Multimedia |
Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia - Communications and Multimedia Commission |
KPUn Kementerian Pembangunan Usahawan - Ministry of Entrepreneur Development |
MARA Majlis Amanah Rakyat - Council of Trust for the Indigenous People |
Kementerian Kewangan - Ministry of Finance (Treasury Malaysia) |
Jabatan Kastam dan Eksais Diraja - Royal Customs and Excise Department |
JPPH Jabatan Penilaian dan Perkhidmatan Harta - Department of Valuation and Property Services |
JANM Jabatan Akauntan Negara Malaysia - Department of the National Accountant of Malaysia |
LHDN Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri - Inland Revenue Board |
Securities Commission |
BNM Bank Negara Malaysia - National Bank of Malaysia |
KLN Kementerian Luar Negeri - Ministry of Foreign Affairs |
Kementerian Kesihatan - Ministry of Health |
JKA Jabatan Kesihatan Awam - Department of Public Health |
Oral Health Division |
Pharmaceutical Services Division |
Negeri Sembilan State Health Department |
Sarawak State Health Department |
Terengganu State Health Department |
KDN Kementerian Dalam Negeri - Ministry of Home Affairs |
PDRM Polis Diraja Malaysia - Royal Police of Malaysia |
JPM Jabatan Penjara Malaysia - Prisons Department of Malaysia |
JPN Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara - National Registration Department |
KPKT Kementerian Perumahan dan Kerajaan Tempatan - Ministry of Housing and Local Government |
JBPM Jabatan Bomba dan Penyelamat - Fire and Rescue Department |
JPN Jabatan Perumahan Negara - National Housing Department |
KSM Kementerian Sumber Manusia - Ministry of Human Resources |
JTR Jabatan Tenaga Rakyat |
Jaring - Department of Manpower |
JKKP Jabatan Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan - Department of Occupational Safety and Health |
IKKPN Institut Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan Negara - National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health |
KEMPEN Kementerian Penerangan - Ministry of Information |
Jabatan Penerangan - Department of Information |
Jabatan Filem Negara - National Film Department |
RTM Radio Televisyen Malaysia - Radio Television of Malaysia |
Kementerian Industri dan Perdangangan Antarabangsa - Ministry of International Trade and Industry |
Malaysian Industrial Deveopment Authority |
MATRADE Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation |
KTPK Kementerian Tanah dan Pembangunan Koperasi - Ministry of Land and Cooperative Development |
JPK Jabatan Pembangunan Koperasi - Department of Co-operative Development |
JKPTG Jabatan Ketua Pengarah Tanah dan Galian - Department of Lands and Mines |
JUPEM Jabatan Ukur dan Pemetaan - Department of Surveying and Mapping |
INSTUN Institut Tanah dan Ukur Negara - National Land and Survey Institute |
KPNPM Kementerian Perpaduan Negara dan Pembangunan Masyarakat - Ministry of National Unity and Social Development |
JKM Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat - Department of Social Welfare |
JPN Jabatan Perpaduan Negara - Department of National Unity |
HAWA Jabatan Hal Ehwal Wanita - Department of Women's Affairs |
JHEOA Jabatan Hal Ehwal Orang Asli - Department of Orang Asli (Aborigines) Affairs |
LPPKN Lembaga Penduduk dan Pembangunan Keluarga Negara - National Population and Family Development Board |
KPU Kementerian Perusahaan Utama - Ministry of Primary Industry |
Jabatan Mineral dan Geosains Malaysia - Minerals and Geoscience Department of Malaysia |
JPSM Jabatan Perhutanan Semenanjung Malaysia - Forestry Department of Peninsular Malaysia |
Forest Research Institute of Malaysia |
Lembaga Minyak Sawit Malaysia - Malaysian Palm Oil Board |
LGM Lembaga Getah Malaysia - Rubber Board of Malaysia |
Lembaga Koko Malaysia - Cocoa Board of Malaysia |
Lembaga Perindustrian Nanas Malaysia - Pineapple Industry Board of Malaysia |
Lembaga Perindustrian Kapu Malaysia - Timber Industry Board of Malaysia |
LTN Lembaga Tembakau Negara - National Tobacco Board |
Malaysian Timber Council |
Malaysian Palm Oil Promotion Council |
KPLB Kementerian Pembangunan Luar Bandar - Ministry of Rural Development |
KSTAS Kementerian Sains, Teknologi dan Alam Sekitar - Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment |
JAS Jabatan Alam Sekitar - Department of Environment |
PERHILITAN Jabatan Perlindungan Hidupan Liar dan Taman Negara - Department of Wildlife Protection and National Parks |
Jabatan Kimia - Department of Chemistry |
JSM Jabatan Standard Malaysia - Standards Department of Malaysia |
PKM Perkhidmatan Kajicuaca Malaysia - Meteorological Service of Malaysia |
Institut Penyelidikan Teknologi Nuklear Malaysia - Malaysian Institute of Nuclear Technology Research |
DBK Direktorat Bioteknologi Kebangsaan - National Biotechnology Directorate |
LPTA Lembaga Perlesenan Tenaga Atom - Atomic Energy Licensing Board |
PSN Pusat Sains Negara - National Science Centre |
Pusat Maklumat Sains dan Teknologi Malaysia - Malaysian Science and Technology Information Centre |
Pusat Remote Sensing Negara - National Remote Sensing Centre |
BAKSA Bahagian Kajian Sains Angkasa - Space Science Studies Division |
MRM Majlis Rekabentuk Malaysia - Design Council of Malaysia |
National Information Technology Council |
Kementerian Pengangkutan - Ministry of Transport |
JPJ Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalan - Road Transport Department |
Jabatan Penerbangan Awam - Civil Aviation Department |
JLSM Jabatan Laut Semenanjung Malaysia - Marine Department of Peninsular Malaysia |
Jabatan Laut Sarawak - Marine Department of Sarawak |
Jabatan Laut Sabah - Marine Department of Sabah |
KKR Kementerian Kerja Raya - Ministry of Works |
JKR Jabatan Kerja Raya - Public Works Department |
LLM Lembaga Lebuhraya Malaysia - Highway Authority of Malaysia |
Lembaga Pembangunan Industri Pembinaan - Construction Industry Development Board |
LJBM Lembaga Juruukur Bahan Malaysia - Board of Quantity Surveyors of Malaysia |
KBS v - Ministry of Youth and Sports |
Jabatan Audit Negara Malaysia - National Audit Department of Malaysia |
Malaysian Judiciary |
State Institutions: |
Johor - Johore |
State Government |
Johor State Agricultural Commitee |
Kedah |
State Government |
Kelantan |
Dewan Undangan Negeri - State Legislative Assembly |
State Government |
Labuan (Federal Territory) |
Labuan Offshore Financial Services Authority |
Lembaga Pembangunan Labuan - Labuan Development Authority |
Melaka - Malacca |
State Government |
Negeri Sembilan |
State Government |
Pahang |
State Government |
Pulau Pinang - Penang |
Jabatan Perancang Bandar Desa (JPBD) - Town and Country Planning Department |
Penang Development Corporation |
Perak |
State Government |
Perlis |
State Government |
Sabah |
State Government |
Kementerian Pembangunan Masyarakat dan Hal Ehwal Pengguna - Ministry of Community Development, Consumer Affairs |
JPKA Jabatan Perkhidmatan Kebajikan Am - Public Welfare Services Department |
Kementerian Pembangunan Perindustrian - Ministry of Industrial Development |
Sabah Economic Development Corporation |
Kementerian Pembangunan Pelancongan, Alam Sekitar, Sains dan Teknologi - Ministry of Tourism Development, Environment, Science, Technology |
Sabah Tourism Promotion Corporation |
Sarawak |
State Government |
Sarawak Tourism Board |
Housing and Development Commission |
Selangor |
State Government |
PKNS Perbadanan Kemajuan Negeri Selangor - Selangor State Development Corporation |
Terengganu - Trengganu |
State Government |
Institutiones Municipales : |
Majlis Daerah Alor Gajah - Alor Gajah District Council |
Majlis Daerah Kerian - Kerian District Council |
Majlis Daerah Kinta Barat - West Kinta District Council |
Majlis Daerah Kuala Kangsar - Kuala Kangsar District Council |
Majlis Daerah Kulim - Kulim District Council |
Majlis Perbandaran Ampang Jaya |
Majlis Perbandaran Kota Kinabalu - Kota Kinabalu Municipal Council |
Majlis Perbandaran Kuantan - Kuantan Municipal Council |
Majlis Perbandaran Melaka Bandaraya Bersejarah - Malacca Historical City Municipal Council |
Majlis Perbandaran Padawan - Padawan Municipal Council |
Majlis Perbandaran Petaling Jaya - Petaling Jaya Municipal Council |
Majlis Perbandaran Sandakan - Sandakan Municipal Council |
Majlis Perbandaran Seberang Prai - Seberang Perai Municipal Council |
Majlis Perbandaran Selayang - Selayang Municipal Council |
Embajadas y Consulados |
High Commission of Malaysia en Ottawa, Canada |
MARA Office en London, Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
Tourism Malaysia Office en Tokyo, Japan |
Tourism Malaysia Office en Los Angeles, United States of America |
MATRADE Office en Los Angeles, United States of America |
Tourism Malaysia Office en New York, United States of America |
Permanent Mission of Malaysia to the United Nations en New York |
Política y Elecciones |
Barisan Nasional |
Penang Branch |
UMNO United Malays National Organisation {Member of: Barisan Nasional} |
Selangor Branch |
MCA Malaysian Chinese Association {Member of: Barisan Nasional} |
Selangor Branch |
Sungai Petani Branch |
MIC Malaysian Indian Congress {Member of: Barisan Nasional} |
GRM Parti Gerakan Rakyat Malaysia {Member of: Barisan Nasional} |
PPP People's Progressive Party of Malaysia (Baru) {Member of: Barisan Nasional} |
Parti Rakyat Bersatu Sarawak - Sarawak United People's Party (SUPP) {Member of: Barisan Nasional} |
Parti Maju Sabah - Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) {Member of: Barisan Nasional} |
AKAR Bersatu Parti Angkatan Keadilan Rakyat Bersatu - United People's Justice Party {Member of: Barisan Nasional} |
PDS Parti Demokratik Sabah {Member of: Barisan Nasional} |
Parti Tindakan Demokratik - Democratic Action Party (DAP) {Member of: Barisan Alternatif} |
Cheras Branch |
Penang Branch |
Perak Branch |
Sarawak Branch |
PAS Parti Rakyat Malaysia {Member of: Barisan Alternatif} |
PRM Parti Rakyat Malaysia - Malaysian People's Party {Member of: Barisan Alternatif} |
keADILan Parti Keadilan Nasional {Member of: Barisan Alternatif} |
keADILan Selangor |
PBS Parti Bersatu Sabah - Sabah United Party |
PSM Parti Sosialis Malaysia - Socialist Party of Malaysia |
Parti Reformasi Negeri, Sarawak - State Reform Party, Sarawak (STAR) |
Malaysia Teléfonos - Buscar Teléfonos Celulares y Servicios de Internet. Directorio de páginas blancas donde puede encontrar el número telefónico y dirección de personas o empresas. Consulta la guía telefónica y la lista de códigos por ciudad. |
+ 60 / Malasia / MY / MYS / Malaysia / Asian Telephones Malaysia |
País : Malasia
(+60) Código Telefónico
(MY). Código Internet
(MYS) Código ISO Internacional
Teléfonos en Malasia Guía para buscar un teléfono celular en Malasia. Lista de códigos para llamadas telefónicas, whatsapp y mensajes SMS. MYS. Directorio de páginas blancas y páginas amarillas para encontrar direcciones de personas y empresas. |
Malasia : Johor, Kedah, Kelantan, Melaka, Negeri Sembilan, Pahang, Perak, Perlis, Pulau Pinang, Sarawak, Selangor, Terengganu, Kuala Lumpur, Labuan, Sabah, Putrajaya |
Malasia Nacional Información de Malasia - Buscar Consultas y Trámites en Malasia. Buscador de datos y registros públicos. Registro Nacional |
Gobierno de Malasia - Guía de Ministerios, Ministros del Gobierno en Malasia - Sitios Oficiales - Embajadas de Malasia |
Personas en Malasia - Como Buscar Personas de Malasia - Consulta y Trámites del documento de identidad. Busca por nombres, apellidos |
Propiedades en Malasia - Dónde Buscar una Propiedad en Malasia - Propietarios, Catastro, tenencia |
Vehículos en Malasia - Como Registrar Autos y Vehículos de Malasia. Verifica el número de placa, patente o propietario |
Empresas en Malasia - Buscar en el Registro de Empresas en Malasia - Como crear o registrar una empresa en Malasia |
Registro Civil Malasia - Trámites de Registro y Documentos de Identidad en Malasia - Consultas y Certificacion de Nacimientos, Matrimonio, Defuncion. Formularios |
Teléfonos en Malasia - Para Buscar un teléfonos de Malasia - Empresas telefónicas y operadores móviles. Lista de códigos de area |
Gobierno de Malasia - Elecciones 2025 en Malasia - Partidos Políticos y Candidatos. Encuestas y Resultados Electorales |
Tecnología en Malasia - Uso de tecnologías en Malasia, sitios de internet, aplicaciones moviles, y desarrollo de sistemas de información. |
Dónde Votar en Malasia - Consulta dónde votar en las elecciones de Malasia - Verificar documento de identidad y lugar de votación |
Noticias en Malasia - Cuáles son las últimas noticias de Malasia - Novedades, sucesos, eventos en tv, radio, redes sociales y medios de comunicación con noticias de Malasia 2025-01-18 |
Malasia - Datos generales, fuentes de información y referencias adicionales. |
En el registro de personas puede buscar datos de identificación, nombres y apellidos. Cómo buscar una persona? En el registro civil también puede solicitar certificaciones de nacimiento, matrimonio y defunción. En las redes sociales y otros sitios de internet con registros públicos puede encontrar información adicional para encontrar una persona. Conoce cómo buscar datos de personas por país. Guía para encontrar información de personas por nombre, apellidos, país, ubicación, redes sociales, teléfono y otros documentos de identificación. |
Registros por país.
Encuentra los registros públicos y la lista de sitios con consultas de datos disponible en cada país. Internacional
Lista de países con registros públicos, instituciones nacionales, entidades, gobierno, sitios de datos abiertos y transparencia institucional con mayor información adicional. |