Aleksey Semjonovitsj Sedov


Aleksey-Semjonovitsj-Sedov - Buscar Personas en bases de datos con información pública del Registro Nacional

Aleksei Semyonovich Sedov

Nombre : Aleksei Semyonovich Sedov
Alias : ALEKSEI SEMYONOVICH SEDOV; Aleksei Sedov; Aleksei Semyonovich SEDOV; Aleksey Semjonovitsj Sedov; Alexei Sedov; Alexei Semenovich Sedov; SEDOV, Aleksei Semyonovich; Sedov Aleksei Semyonovich; Sedov Alexei; Sedov Alexey Semenovich; Siedov Oleksii Semenovych; Алексей Седов; Алексей Семенович Седов; Алексей Семёнович Седов; Седов Алексей Семенович; Седов Алексей Семёнович; Седов, Алексей; Седов, Алексей Семенович; Седов, Алексей Семёнович; Сєдов Олексій Семенович
Fecha de nacimiento : 1954-08-26
País : ru;suhh
Persona con Información Pública : Id Q4412919
Sanciones : 497/2021 - active - 2021-10-05;"Chemical Weapons - Alexei Sedov is the Head of the ""2nd Service"" Unit in the Federal Security of the Russian Federation (FSB). There is reasonable grounds to suspect that the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation was involved in the attempted assassination of Alexey Navalny using a toxic nerve agent. As Head of the ""2nd Service"" Unit, Sedov is responsible for, engaged in, provided support for, or promoted the activities conducted by this unit in the FSB. Alternatively, he is associated with those who did. This designation is part of a further package of designations targeting the FSB operatives directly involved in carrying out the operation. Russian opposition leader Alexey Navalny was the victim of an attempted assassination during his August 2020 visit to Siberia, in which a chemical weapon - a toxic nerve agent of the Novichok group - was used. The activities and movements of Alexey Navalny during his journey to Siberia, from where he intended to return to Moscow on 20th August 2020, were closely monitored by the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation. Russia had the technical capability to carry out the attack. The Russian State has previously produced Novichoks and would still be capable of doing so. Within the last decade, Russia has produced and stockpiled small quantities of Novichok. It is unlikely that Novichoks could be made and deployed by non-state actors (e.g. a criminal or terrorist group). Russia had the operational experience to carry out the attack. Russia has a proven record of state-sponsored assassination. It is highly likely that the Russian state was responsible for the attempted assassination of Sergei Skripal in Salisbury in 2018 using a similar type of nerve agent. During the 2000s, Russia commenced a programme to test means of delivering chemical warfare agents, including investigation of ways of delivering nerve agents. Russia had the motive and opportunity to carry out the attack. Navalny is a high profile Russian opposition politician who vocally criticised the Russian administration and establishment. He was on Russian territory under surveillance by the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation at the time of the attack. - Asset Freeze Targets - 2021";Reciprocal - 2021-08-20;Russia / Russie - 1, Part 1.1;SDN List - Executive Order 13382 (Non-proliferation);"The Chemical Weapons (Sanctions) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 - Alexei Sedov is the Head of the ""2nd Service"" Unit in the Federal Security of the Russian Federation (FSB). There is reasonable grounds to suspect that the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation was involved in the attempted assassination of Alexey Navalny using a toxic nerve agent. As Head of the ""2nd Service"" Unit, Sedov is responsible for, engaged in, provided support for, or promoted the activities conducted by this unit in the FSB. Alternatively, he is associated with those who did. This designation is part of a further package of designations targeting the FSB operatives directly involved in carrying out the operation. Russian opposition leader Alexey Navalny was the victim of an attempted assassination during his August 2020 visit to Siberia, in which a chemical weapon - a toxic nerve agent of the Novichok group - was used. The activities and movements of Alexey Navalny during his journey to Siberia, from where he intended to return to Moscow on 20th August 2020, were closely monitored by the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation. Russia had the technical capability to carry out the attack. The Russian State has previously produced Novichoks and would still be capable of doing so. Within the last decade, Russia has produced and stockpiled small quantities of Novichok. It is unlikely that Novichoks could be made and deployed by non-state actors (e.g. a criminal or terrorist group). Russia had the operational experience to carry out the attack. Russia has a proven record of state-sponsored assassination. It is highly likely that the Russian state was responsible for the attempted assassination of Sergei Skripal in Salisbury in 2018 using a similar type of nerve agent. During the 2000s, Russia commenced a programme to test means of delivering chemical warfare agents, including investigation of ways of delivering nerve agents. Russia had the motive and opportunity to carry out the attack. Navalny is a high profile Russian opposition politician who vocally criticised the Russian administration and establishment. He was on Russian territory under surveillance by the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation at the time of the attack. - 2021-08-20"
Fuente : ACF List of War Enablers;Canadian Consolidated Autonomous Sanctions List;UK FCDO Sanctions List;UK HMT/OFSI Consolidated List of Targets;US OFAC Specially Designated Nationals (SDN) List;US SAM Procurement Exclusions;US Trade Consolidated Screening List (CSL);Ukraine NSDC State Register of Sanctions;Wikidata;Wikidata Entities of Interest
Fecha : 2024-06-28T07:55:04

Aleksei Semyonovich Sedov

Detalle : Aleksei Semyonovich Sedov
Tipo : Person
Nombre Completo : Aleksei Semyonovich Sedov; Сєдов Олексій Семенович; Алексей Семёнович Седов; Alexei Semenovich Sedov; Siedov Oleksii Semenovych; Sedov Alexey Semenovich; Алексей Семенович Седов; SEDOV, Aleksei Semyonovich; Aleksey Semjonovitsj Sedov; ALEKSEI SEMYONOVICH SEDOV; Aleksei Semyonovich SEDOV
Alias : Алексей Семёнович Седов; Aleksei Sedov; Alexei Semenovich Sedov; Sedov Aleksei Semyonovich; Седов, Алексей Семенович; Sedov Alexei; Седов, Алексей; Алексей Седов; Алексей Семенович Седов; Седов Алексей Семенович; Alexei Sedov; Седов, Алексей Семёнович; Седов Алексей Семёнович
Nombre : Aleksei; Алексей; Aleksei Semyonovich; Alexei; ALEKSEI SEMYONOVICH; Alexey
Apellido : Sedov; SEDOV; Седов
Género : male
Fecha de nacimiento : 1954-08-26
Lugar de Nacimiento : м. Сочі, РФ; Sochi; Sochi, Russia
Posición : Head of FSB 2nd Service; керівник 2 служби ФСБ РФ (cлужба захисту конституційного ладу та боротьби з тероризмом)
País : ru
Nacionalidad : suhh; ru
Notas : (also ALEKSEI SEDOV, ALEXEI SEMENOVICH SEDOV, ALEXEI SEDOV); Head of the Service for Defense of Constitutional Order and Fight against Terrorism of the FSB, which organized the attempted murder of Alexei Navalny with the use of chemical weapons.
Sanciones : ca-sema-cd279e26819077ed4609a72ddc1efa69e66c58ce; Russia / Russie; Sanction; 1, Part 1.1; Global Affairs Canada; ca; 31; Q4412919; Russia / Russie;; ; ca_dfatd_sema_sanctions; 2023-04-20T12:33:14; 2024-07-25T12:43:03; 2023-04-20T12:33:14; ; gb-fcdo-92d9eb80aac59fe12e864a22f1ec56284b242c78; The Chemical Weapons (Sanctions) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019; Sanction; 2022-06-14; The Chemical Weapons (Sanctions) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019; gb;; Asset freeze; Travel Ban; CHW0024; Alexei Sedov is the Head of the "2nd Service" Unit in the Federal Security of the Russian Federation (FSB). There is reasonable grounds to suspect that the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation was involved in the attempted assassination of Alexey Navalny using a toxic nerve agent. As Head of the "2nd Service" Unit, Sedov is responsible for, engaged in, provided support for, or promoted the activities conducted by this unit in the FSB. Alternatively, he is associated with those who did. This designation is part of a further package of designations targeting the FSB operatives directly involved in carrying out the operation. Russian opposition leader Alexey Navalny was the victim of an attempted assassination during his August 2020 visit to Siberia, in which a chemical weapon - a toxic nerve agent of the Novichok group - was used. The activities and movements of Alexey Navalny during his journey to Siberia, from where he intended to return to Moscow on 20th August 2020, were closely monitored by the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation. Russia had the technical capability to carry out the attack. The Russian State has previously produced Novichoks and would still be capable of doing so. Within the last decade, Russia has produced and stockpiled small quantities of Novichok. It is unlikely that Novichoks could be made and deployed by non-state actors (e.g. a criminal or terrorist group). Russia had the operational experience to carry out the attack. Russia has a proven record of state-sponsored assassination. It is highly likely that the Russian state was responsible for the attempted assassination of Sergei Skripal in Salisbury in 2018 using a similar type of nerve agent. During the 2000s, Russia commenced a programme to test means of delivering chemical warfare agents, including investigation of ways of delivering nerve agents. Russia had the motive and opportunity to carry out the attack. Navalny is a high profile Russian opposition politician who vocally criticised the Russian administration and establishment. He was on Russian territory under surveillance by the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation at the time of the attack.; 2021-08-20; UK; Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office; Q4412919; ; gb_fcdo_sanctions; 2024-05-09T21:39:15; 2024-07-25T12:40:03; 2024-06-23T20:40:03; ; gb-hmt-ad5757933ddfbae9b4503417b7894397607c8859; Chemical Weapons; Sanction; Asset Freeze Targets; 2022; 2021; 2021; Q4412919; Chemical Weapons;; gb; Alexei Sedov is the Head of the "2nd Service" Unit in the Federal Security of the Russian Federation (FSB). There is reasonable grounds to suspect that the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation was involved in the attempted assassination of Alexey Navalny using a toxic nerve agent. As Head of the "2nd Service" Unit, Sedov is responsible for, engaged in, provided support for, or promoted the activities conducted by this unit in the FSB. Alternatively, he is associated with those who did. This designation is part of a further package of designations targeting the FSB operatives directly involved in carrying out the operation. Russian opposition leader Alexey Navalny was the victim of an attempted assassination during his August 2020 visit to Siberia, in which a chemical weapon - a toxic nerve agent of the Novichok group - was used. The activities and movements of Alexey Navalny during his journey to Siberia, from where he intended to return to Moscow on 20th August 2020, were closely monitored by the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation. Russia had the technical capability to carry out the attack. The Russian State has previously produced Novichoks and would still be capable of doing so. Within the last decade, Russia has produced and stockpiled small quantities of Novichok. It is unlikely that Novichoks could be made and deployed by non-state actors (e.g. a criminal or terrorist group). Russia had the operational experience to carry out the attack. Russia has a proven record of state-sponsored assassination. It is highly likely that the Russian state was responsible for the attempted assassination of Sergei Skripal in Salisbury in 2018 using a similar type of nerve agent. During the 2000s, Russia commenced a programme to test means of delivering chemical warfare agents, including investigation of ways of delivering nerve agents. Russia had the motive and opportunity to carry out the attack. Navalny is a high profile Russian opposition politician who vocally criticised the Russian administration and establishment. He was on Russian territory under surveillance by the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation at the time of the attack.; Asset freeze; CHW0024; UK; Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation; ; gb_hmt_sanctions; 2023-04-20T10:42:49; 2024-07-25T12:14:03; 2023-10-17T12:01:46; ; ofac-058c25efd52c872fe33c6714ea562f7875f20eba; SDN List; Sanction; NPWMD; Block; us;; Q4412919; 32735; SDN List; Executive Order 13382 (Non-proliferation); Office of Foreign Assets Control; ; us_ofac_sdn; 2023-04-20T10:27:20; 2024-07-25T12:10:02; 2024-06-23T20:10:01; ; ua-nsdc-8c98c71961b49a33a91a0c5b3ed940881051a9ad; 497/2021; Sanction; 497/2021; заборона участі у приватизації, оренді державного майна резидентами іноземної держави та особами, які прямо чи опосередковано контролюються резидентами іноземної держави або діють в їх інтересах; зупинення виконання економічних та фінансових зобов’язань; запобігання виведенню капіталів за межі України; інші санкції, що відповідають принципам їх застосування, встановленим цим Законом; обмеження, часткове чи повне припинення транзиту ресурсів, польотів та перевезень територією України; блокування активів - тимчасове обмеження права особи користуватися та розпоряджатися належним їй майном; заборона або обмеження заходження іноземних невійськових суден та військових кораблів до територіального моря України, її внутрішніх вод, портів та повітряних суден до повітряного простору України або здійснення посадки на території України; припинення видачі дозволів, ліцензій на ввезення в Україну з іноземної держави чи вивезення з України валютних цінностей та обмеження видачі готівки за платіжними картками, емітованими резидентами іноземної держави; анулювання або зупинення ліцензій та інших дозволів, одержання (наявність) яких є умовою для здійснення певного виду діяльності, зокрема, анулювання чи зупинення дії спеціальних дозволів на користування надрами; обмеження торговельних операцій; заборона видачі дозволів, ліцензій Національного банку України на здійснення інвестицій в іноземну державу, розміщення валютних цінностей на рахунках і вкладах на території іноземної держави; позбавлення державних нагород України, інших форм відзначення; заборона передання технологій, прав на об’єкти права інтелектуальної власності; National Security and Defense Council;;; ua; active; 2021-10-05; Безстроково; Q4412919; ; ua_nsdc_sanctions; 2024-03-06T18:31:06; 2024-07-25T12:22:04; 2024-03-06T18:31:06; ; usgsa-7d0fe989645f869f8e04e73316014850dbf6fad9; Reciprocal; Sanction; Q4412919; S4MRJ4WXM; Prohibition/Restriction; Reciprocal; 2021-08-20;; 2021-09-14; PII data has been masked from view; TREAS-OFAC; us; ; us_sam_exclusions; 2024-06-14T06:55:20; 2024-07-25T07:55:02; 2024-06-14T06:55:20;
Fuente :
Educación : Saint Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation
Tema : mil; poi; sanction
Información : us_ofac_sdn; ru_acf_bribetakers; ua_nsdc_sanctions; ca_dfatd_sema_sanctions; wd_curated; us_trade_csl; gb_fcdo_sanctions; wikidata; gb_hmt_sanctions; us_sam_exclusions
Persona con Información Pública : Id Q4412919

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